Habits.... in Lists

  • Nov. 1, 2013, 3:03 a.m.
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  • Public

  1. Write every day - 750 words & OD. (January)
  2. Write in Stripey notebook. (February)
  3. Give up soda and vending machines. (March)
  4. Give up wheat. (April)
  5. Give up sugar. (May)
  6. Walk 10,000 steps every day. (June)
  7. Use template on OD - later quit doing that. (July)
  8. Carry plastic bag - for trash or purchases - later quit doing that. (August)
  9. Give up chewing gum. (September)
  10. Pray daily/Talk to God/whoever in 750words (October)
  11. Write NaNoWriMo in 750 words - topic internet men (November)

I have no idea if NaNoWriMo will work out. To be honest I'll be surprised if it does. I tried it twice a long time ago. Once was a workplace roman a clef called 'The Finches of Allied'. It was kind of entertaining and I found myself enjoying making things happen but I gave up after a week or so. It's long lost on some long lost computer hard drive. I should have made it into private entries here to save it.... or emailed it to myself. The other time I just tried writing longer more significant diary entries and that lasted about a week too.

If you look at the list above you will see I am better at giving things up than at doing things. Though it seems I can write regularly if I put my mind to it. Ask God.

RoseS November 01, 2013

Writing in 750 helped me get there last year. I kind of forgot about the site....but I never got that 50000 badge...hmmm

Spilledperfume November 01, 2013

Happy Halloween.

Kimber November 01, 2013

Well, I'm equally bad at both doing things AND giving things up. So you are to be envied. ; )

Beret November 01, 2013

I keep telling myself I should remember to carry a trash bag when walking. But somehow I forget about it every single time. Must be a mental block of some sort.

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