Habits.... in Lists
- Nov. 1, 2013, 3:03 a.m.
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- Public
- Write every day - 750 words & OD. (January)
- Write in Stripey notebook. (February)
- Give up soda and vending machines. (March)
- Give up wheat. (April)
- Give up sugar. (May)
- Walk 10,000 steps every day. (June)
- Use template on OD - later quit doing that. (July)
- Carry plastic bag - for trash or purchases - later quit doing that. (August)
- Give up chewing gum. (September)
- Pray daily/Talk to God/whoever in 750words (October)
- Write NaNoWriMo in 750 words - topic internet men (November)
I have no idea if NaNoWriMo will work out. To be honest I'll be surprised if it does. I tried it twice a long time ago. Once was a workplace roman a clef called 'The Finches of Allied'. It was kind of entertaining and I found myself enjoying making things happen but I gave up after a week or so. It's long lost on some long lost computer hard drive. I should have made it into private entries here to save it.... or emailed it to myself. The other time I just tried writing longer more significant diary entries and that lasted about a week too.
If you look at the list above you will see I am better at giving things up than at doing things. Though it seems I can write regularly if I put my mind to it. Ask God.
RoseS ⋅ November 01, 2013
Writing in 750 helped me get there last year. I kind of forgot about the site....but I never got that 50000 badge...hmmm
Spilledperfume ⋅ November 01, 2013
Happy Halloween.
Kimber ⋅ November 01, 2013
Well, I'm equally bad at both doing things AND giving things up. So you are to be envied. ; )
Beret ⋅ November 01, 2013
I keep telling myself I should remember to carry a trash bag when walking. But somehow I forget about it every single time. Must be a mental block of some sort.