A New Reality in Journal

  • Sept. 28, 2024, 9:46 a.m.
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has been before me since the 8th of August, 2024. 8-8-8
It is a poignant experience. I have been reflecting on the grand scheme of things, and can only say that powers and principles far beyond the scope of my comprehension influence and guide my development. It is not lost on me that the last great shift in my awareness also occurred on a particular numerical day; the 12th of December, 2012. 12-12-12.

I think back of all that has been and happened, and what I’ve learned. I recall now those messages from the religious wackos, as I was want to think of them. Prepare your soul for the return of the Christ. They don’t seem so wacko, anymore.
In fact I feel a strong urge to go to the ones that I know and apologize to them for whatever offense I might have caused them.
As for the message; I am not sure that even they understood it. And yet they shouted it from the hilltops anyway. That is true faith, I think. To have no comprehension of what or even particularly why they say it; only that their beloved has asked them to do so. I would have looked at them with derision only a short time ago. And now, I sense this part of my own nature with a bemused sort of tenderness. I was confused and lost, and that was necessary, but I was still loved. It is only now that I have become aware of that love.

The route I took (and that’s a matter of speech, I didn’t do anything, particularly) was one through pure rationality. Through rational thought and reason, I immersed my self in the foundational questions before us. I asked God, and when I did not receive a sufficient answer, I relegated Him to non-existence. For how, how, dare I ask, can God make a rational being and then deny to that being any rational answer or explanations? If He is God, he would not. That is a simple rational answer. And so, if I was denied by rationality, by rationality He could not exist.

And through this, I delved. I tossed aside everything; all that was not in alignment with reason and rationality, I discarded completely. And, this is a manner of speaking but because there is so little language to describe what has happened rather passively, I just used these words. Instead of bringing up this disclaimer, just assume that what I mean is that other forces are causing these things to happen.
I tossed everything to one side and rejected everything which did not itself align with rationality- don’t mean this to read that I didn’t agree with it. That’s not what I mean at all. I gave up a huge deal which I didn’t agree with and which I was very angry and vexed about. But I did do it. Not to assuage my wants, but to be in as perfect alignment with rational standards as I possibly could. As much as I understood it to mean.
And so, I in effect threw off everything else that was a distraction from pure conceptual thought. Everything that was not rationally cohesive was thrown out. And then, after doing this consistently for some time, I comprehended.

I have before almost as in a lucid dream wrote about the virtue of that which increases Choice, and the inherent evil of that which deteriorates Choice. It has come before my awareness that Choice is what every human being has, intrinsically.
However, what does the human being not have choice about? He cannot choose whether he sees when he opens his eyes. He cannot choose whether to hear sounds which come to him from the environment. He cannot choose his parents nor the propaganda nor the indoctrination or trauma or abuse he receives as a child.
Then, rationally, we must relegate these influences as derived from evil.
And, we can only rationally attribute pure unhindered, completely free choice to the influence of the virtuous.
Then, what do human beings have true, complete choice about? What can it be said that we can choose freely?
And the answer is only the manner in which we think.
Because everything else is subject to the onslaught of outside forces which we have no choice about- and the only true, real, concrete realm of pure and complete Choice, is the manner in which we think. Because thinking happens anyway. We don’t actually choose to think or not, just as we cannot choose to see or hear. And we cannot, as yet, change the manner of our sense perception. But we do have total control and choice over the manner in which we think.

For me.... looking back over the years and months leading up to the moment of the 8th of August this year… I see a progressive movement towards a certain manner of thinking. Ever refining, ever correcting and making strides towards a rational ideal.
And this was a sort of Faith. I did not know whyfor nor did I have any idea of the result, or the consequences- none of any of that. It was purely a path of itself, without endpoint.
And now- I know- and I know it in my bones- that virtue is sought through pure choice, only. For only evil influence may ever be obtained through modes which do not offer pure choice. Freely Chosen must be the only, the sole, the exclusive way that Virtue, Love, God, the Christ, or any other form of the Good, can be reached.
The Christ is here. He is alive, and well, and all-powerful, and all love. I found him through rational thought. You can, too.

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