Happenings in Current Events

  • Sept. 27, 2024, 9 a.m.
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Am I self-validating my experience? Riddle me that. My therapist wants me to explore that question whenever I am feeling some type of way. Is what I am experiencing representative of reality?

I said that I wanted to dial in my spending but I accidentally created some anxiety around spending in general. It’s not a bad problem to have. I drove all over my area for office supplies because I felt the prices were psychotic at the first place I went, it was Staples. I ended at Staples in the end. I wasn’t even spending my own money. Daddy chill.

I had my tour at the gym down the street. It is a lot smaller than the one I am thinking about leaving. It is smaller by a lot. Everything is all cramped together. I am not going to switch gyms. I pay $15 biweekly vs the $35 biweekly for less space & equipment. The only thing it has that my current gym doesn’t is a dry sauna and some yoga classes. I get a free 3-day pass that starts on Saturday so I will at least use that up.

I was triggered when I got home at 8:30. My roommate’s dumb cows disease was afflicting her. I don’t even have to paint the scene. We know the score by now. It triggered me again this morning. I need to choose peace.

My grandmother now has tuberculosis. I will give her a call on my break. I am getting frustrated with my object permanence with this. I will aim to visit her this weekend. Though, she is quarantined. I’ll suit up.

My butterflies at work today were not so bad. My coordinator and I did some running around to get our group program on Saturday ready to go. We are doing more of the same today. Then next week he is cancelling all one-on-ones so we can get our feasting ceremony ready. That is on next Saturday. If by some freak chance, my last background check comes in today, I will be able to do those one-on-ones. We can divide and conquer.

I felt dirty yesterday afternoon. I didn’t have anything to do. I opened up Canva and started making a pamphlet situation for the program that we are developing. It was that or play on my phone. I don’t have much on my plate yet.

Anyway, off to the races.

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