See for Me in 2020s

  • Oct. 11, 2024, 9:49 p.m.
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Saw the movie See for Me. That would be a wild way to make money—hop on the dark web, get fake IDs, offer to cat or dog sit for the wealthy, and then rip them off while they’re away. Sounds simple, but of course, it’s not. I’d be terrified of getting caught and afraid of karma if I didn’t.

The $35 a month raise from Social Security is such an insult considering how much this country gives away to other nations. Tom pointed out that it will cover the $27 increase in space rent, but it’s still a joke. Seriously, what can most people do with an extra $35 these days?

Election Day is creeping closer, and I can’t wrap my head around the men who support a misogynistic criminal like Trump. But even worse, I worry about the women who’d vote for someone who wants to restrict their rights and freedoms. Still, it’s their vote, and they’ll have to live with the outcome.

Fuck Buddy was walking around the honker’s place today and peeking into the lanai. I guess she was checking for damage. When Tom was out donating today (I was surprised the place was even open), he mentioned there was more damage than he realized—signs and fences thrown all over the place.

I’m dreading the honker’s return, especially because I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep through the damn motorcycle with the new bedroom setup. It’s so wrong that someone can come to my country and disrupt my peace like this. A part of me wishes he’d sell his place and move in with his fuck buddy, but I doubt that’ll happen. They just started dating, and the fact that he was still single into his 60s says a lot. Either he can’t keep a relationship, or women keep dumping him. I don’t know the guy, but he comes off as insensitive and aggressive.

I also unfriended Kathy. If something were wrong, she’s had plenty of time to reach out, and she hasn’t. Remember? No more reaching out to those who don’t reach out to me. I can’t access either of her accounts now, so I guess Facebook has features I didn’t realize. Apparently, you can now block someone from viewing your profile without actually blocking them.

My memory issues are getting frustrating—and, at times, a little worrying. I’m sure most of it is from my sleep disorder.

Tom and I were reminiscing about how technology has evolved over the years. In the early 2000s, I would’ve hated to go back to 80s tech. Now? I’d hate to go back to 2014! Back then, Alexa didn’t exist, let alone all these smart devices. Speech-to-text wasn’t nearly as good, and Grammarly wasn’t around either. Everything had to be typed manually with only a basic spell checker that had little to no concept of grammar.
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Last updated October 11, 2024

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