In the Life Log - Day 183 in My Musings

  • Sept. 16, 2024, 11:12 a.m.
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Today was an ok day. I slept a little over 7 hours, but woke up abruptly at the 6th hour mark since there was someone making a speech in the police station that’s just across my place. Talk about being inconsiderate.. That aside, I don’t remember having weird dreams or wave of sadness today. I did feel slightly anxious/panicky again though so I had to take half a dose of my anti-panic medicine. Methinks work is really getting to me.

Speaking of work.. today was a bit more manageable compared to the previous week; there were no new tasks today so I was able to focus on my backlogs, and if I remember correctly, I was able to turn around 3 of them so my workload has gotten a bit lighter. I was also able to somewhat start on the project that I’m helping my colleague with so hopefully the momentum sticks. Since I was also not able to utilize my entire break last Friday, I opted to offset it earlier by taking 2 hours today. After shift, I continued to study Japanese - this time, focused on counting.

I hit chest + shoulders + triceps earlier. Surprisingly, the gym was a bit packed once again so I had to improvise. Got a good pump and strength was decent as well. Cardio, as always, was a breeze so not complaining at all.

Overall rating for the day: 7/10

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