Jail Journals 2 in Tales From Inmate #00JI61500

  • Sept. 9, 2024, 1:32 p.m.
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Saturday April 20th
16 Days In, 74 Days Out

It’s 4/20. If I was at home I’d spend it stoned and relaxed. Instead I’m incarcerated with lower back pain.

Anyways, leave it to a Pixar film to bring on the feelings of loneliness. Wall-E was a cute flick but man did it make me yearn for female companionship. I’m tired of being single. It’s not even about sex. I’d just like someone around to have an adventure with. A man can dream, right?

It’s 3 PM and I’m freakin’ hungry. The weekends suck because we’re only fed twice. 9 AM and 5 PM. During the week it’s three meals at 5 AM, 11 AM and 5 PM. You’ll go to bed hungry if not for the commissary. I make sure to get Cheezits and peanuts.

We’ve watched a King of the Hill marathon. Now the Simpsons are on. Cartoons for three days straight. Bah! It also sucks to keep seeing trailers for films I want to see. Too bad, so sad. The vampire flick Abigail looks awesome. New Planet of the Apes is coming out, too. They’ll both be out of the theaters when I get out of here.

Later…it’s 2024 and I’m amazed that pro wrestling? Wresteling?…Rasslin’ is still a thing.

Annnd the junkies are fishing at the door again for another fix. Pathetic!

Anywho, channel change to TNT cause they thought an NBA game was on. Nope! Wrestling! (I think that’s how it’s spelled.)

When I get out I’m going to tear my room apart looking for that vape I lost. (Edit: Wasn’t I just bring harsh to guys looking to score?) Take the booze away but I still want my THC.

Later still…someone OD’d in A pod. One of the trustees. Luckily they saved him. He’s on his way to the hospital. I cried to mom on the phone. I’m missing the rest of Spring and the first half of Summer. That depresses me greatly.

Happy 4/20 right?

Later…so fucking stupid! There was an OD an hour ago and now the junkies are still trying to score dope. So stupid.

Sunday April 21st
17 Days In, 73 Days Out

Apparently there was a fight last night. I slept right through it. It’s what happens when you’re locked up with morons.

I’m getting hungry. Only a few more hours till dinner. Rumor is the L Dorm lady will be here tomorrow to interview us for trustee positions and we will be moved Tuesday. I hope I get a position. City charge means every week I work I get a day off my sentence. Plus better housing, regular haircuts and shaving. That would be nice!

These pens sucks!

Ugh! I like carrots, just not mixed with green peas. Less than an hour away from rack up. We’re on the fourth Spiderman flock today. Humphrey, the guard, won’t change the channel. Dick! The other guard, Harris, can kiss my ass too.

Monday April 22nd
18 Days In, 72 Days Till Out

That was a sorry lunch. Even salt and pepper couldn’t save it. Found out that 90% of the meat in our food is ground turkey that comes in 50lbs boxes labeled, “Not Fit For Human Consumption.” I don’t get how jails and prisons get away with that. I’m out of candy so I have nothing to rid myself of the aftertaste.

That shall be rectified on the next store order. I doubled up on sweets. I just wish I could get a soda or a juice. I’ve given up on the flavor packets they give us with our waters at meal time. I’m drinking plain water.

I still wonder if I’m losing any weight. When the nurse checked the other day I’m at 263. In due time, my friend, in due time.

I’m very tired yet again but I’m not taking a nap. Staying tired helps me sleep at night.

3:16 PM. Nighttime is the worst here. Homesickness and loneliness sets in. You think about what you could be having for dinner, what’s the weather report for the next day, should you go for a sunset walk around the neighborhood. L

I miss the warmth of the sun up on my flesh.
The feeling of sweat on my brow.
The sight of everything plus and green outside.
Hearing the birds chirping among the trees.

I will never take these daily treasures for granted again. Life is short and I’m spending three months of it incarcerated.

I screwed up.

I am guilty.

This is my sentence and I’m serving it with my head held high. There is nothing I can do to escape this Hell but accept it and move on

Never again!

Oi! My stomach feels better. The food here makes me go! And fart! A lot! It’s getting close to 8 PM. They did pill call way too early tonight. I’ve got my sleeping pill stashed away.

The guards dehumanize you here. Hell, one of the nurses called us caged animals. How did she get her medical license? The lady day shift guard was a huge bitch tonight. First, cussing us out through the speaker then second getting very indignant when she came in here. Granted four morons were disobeying her orders, she had an attitude from the start. I swear that some of these guards get off on the power trip.

Dinner was sorry. Vegetable soup with what passes as beef, corn, bread and cake. Of course I mixed the corn and bread into the soup. It’s all flavorless slop anyway. (Edit: Not true, a lot of that shit tasted horrible.) I’m thankful for my salt and pepper packets. Ugh…Avatar is in.

Later…I gotta stop listening to Doc. He’s got me scared shitless to go to P Floor. Fights, craziness. Bobby says he’s just rattling my cage. “Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll be fine.”

If I haven’t said it before I really hate this fucking place!

I want to go home!

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