What is the age range of kids that you care for? How many kids are there? What is expected of you at your job?

I have a small in home daycare. We care for only about 6 kids at a time and they are all four and under. My biggest advice is to be fun, don't be afraid to be silly, and to have a bunch of activities ready to go. Keep them busy all day. When the kids have too much downtime they tend to go a little bonkers. They need structure and a routine. You might have to be little strict about the routine, but the kids will catch on quickly. Circle time is great for little kids. We've never had a kid who didn't enjoy circle time in 8 years of daycare. I know it's different depending on the age of children in your care. Older kids are definitely harder to entertain.

Honestly, watch Ms Rachel on YouTube for ideas. Kids adore her, so she's definitely doing something right lol.

If you have any questions or if there's anything I can help you with, feel free to ask me.