In the Life Log - Day 159 in My Musings

  • Aug. 23, 2024, 12:11 p.m.
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Today was a good day. I didn’t have any instances of weird dreams, and didn’t have any waves of sadness or panic attacks.

Since today was a holiday, I focused on getting a bit more rest than usual. I continued watching the new kdrama I had my eyes on and got about 3 episodes in. Around 5 pm (it’s already 12:09 a.m. as of this writing), I dozed off for a good 30 minutes, which was totally unexpected.

I hit legs earlier in the gym, focusing on quads. It was a good session if I may say so myself, although my hamstrings were firing/cramping early on in my squats session. I’ve always had that issue even when I was new to lifting; I hope it’s not a muscle imbalance issue, but I won’t be surprised if it is, either. Afterwards, I did my usual routine on the treadmill and it went quite smoothly - 1 hour was a breeze.

I plan to go home to my parents later since I’m on holiday until Monday. Hopefully the weekend remains uneventful.

Overall rating for the day: 10/10

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