Villain Era? More Like Karen Era in Current Events
- Aug. 21, 2024, 8:04 p.m.
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I am frustrated with the dealership I purchased my car from. I made a $500 deposit to secure the vehicle. It is supposed to be deposited back but no action has been taken yet. I did reach out to the guy who helped me finance the vehicle and he forgot. His response time is painfully slow. He fell off the face of the earth after I gave him my credit card info. I wrote a Google review calling this theft and someone from the dealership called me immediately. He was livid. I’m not one for confrontation but I told him I will delete it when I get my deposit back. He was unhinged until I deleted it. I did not enjoy that interaction. Honestly, I’m just embarrassed that I did that. I don’t know what came over me. I got their side of the story and it’s not egregious. What gets under my skin though is the gaslighting. It is my fault that I’m upset about it, is what they are saying.
I told a customer off yesterday. She wanted me to fetch something for her outside. A cart. These idiots always do this. I told her that I could not do that for her. I don’t get paid to service people, I get paid to service products. I’m already outside of my responsibilities whenever I start to help these degenerates. This grown-ass woman through a hissy fit like a spoiled teenager. But I don’t wanna go outside! I reminded her that she is a grown adult and then I wished her the best. Then I walked away. I’m allowed to walk away. At least, I was at my previous location.
I had a diva fit with a manager. Rocky reported a hazard and I filled out a report. It is hard to track down the managers right now. When I finally found her, he was showing her the issue. I gave her the report and she was like why do I need a report when I already sent this up to be fixed?! So I ripped it out of her hands, tore it up, and tossed it on the ground. I don’t know why I did that. To add insult to injury, I posted the policy that answers her question on our social media page. She was in the wrong. Both her and Rocky are sucking up to me now. This is embarrassing. I could have calmly explained to her that there has to be a paper trail.
My supervisor is a micro manager, as we know. I can tell that she has problems with me but has to be passive about it. I got her in trouble. All the managers are a little intimidated by me. She can’t control me, that is what I figured out. She has to control everything but I am hard to pin down. I help and support everybody. I basically do her job on the floor. Everybody would rather deal with me than her. It makes her sick to her stomach to see me doing something without her blessing. She has been on my case about everything. Yesterday was the worst of it. First thing in the morning. She had our day planned but it didn’t go her way. She took it out on us. The store is doing inventory so our team did not exist yesterday, for all intents and purposes. The store directed us. I hated yesterday. I was dreading it for weeks.
I don’t want to go to the gym today but I forgot my favorite water bottle there yesterday. Some cunt pissed me off. Literally. I sat down on the bench to put my shoes on. A girl walked in front of me and then bent over to take her shoes off. She was wearing tights like most women do. It is not demure. It is not mindful. It is not classy or fashion. It is perverted. I wasn’t in the mood for any lip reading and when I stormed out I forgot my damn water bottle. I’m hoping it is there. I don’t think they have a lost & found.
My coffee hit. It is not demure. It is not mindful. It is acidic. It is poison. It wakes me up because my body is rushing to detox it. This is not demure it is self-harm but it makes me a better person. Even though I am a Karen these days. I keep trying to do what I learned in my previous therapy session but my nerve is easily worked. I am emotionally dysregulated. I blame the current astrological transits so that I can be the victim. This is demure. This is mindful. Cardinals are supposed to enter their villain era but I’m too self-aware and too mindful about how I treat others. This is bullshit. This is not demure.
Prosebox is being stupid. It is slow. It wasn’t even available yesterday when I needed it. This is first world problems but I’m a big baby about it anyway.
There is an annoying trend on TikTok about being demure. I can’t get it out of my head. Time to go wreck myself at the gym. At least I have tomorrow off.
Zampano ⋅ August 22, 2024 (edited August 22, 2024)
Your pouty rhetoric is cute. It's like The Dude on The Big Lebowski when someone pisses on his rug and he says, "I've had a bad day, and I don't want to listen to The Eagles, man".
It sounds like a rough a time today. I'm sorry to read about it. I hope tomorrow is better!
TL Zampano ⋅ August 23, 2024
"I don't get cute, I get drop dead gorgeous" lol