Auguste in Thirty-Nine
- Aug. 15, 2024, 4:01 p.m.
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Howdy my friends, I hope you are all doing well this afternoon. I just got home a bit ago from my physical therapy. This was my 3rd appointment and it’s been going well, but I will get to that.
If you missed my last entry, don’t want to read, you can click here for a video on FB that will explain everything.
I have been doing ok. I think I might add another 300 mg to my daily intake of the Oxcarb because I feel it might be necessary. So we’ll be trying that at the beginning of next week. I’ll also be trying the Nurtec starting next week too to see if that’s going to make a difference.
I have noticed that my vision is a little bit clearer. I’ve noticed my eyes are less red and less watery, but I still have some pressure in my face and neck.
The neck thing is improving slowly though. I’ve been doing some exercises to stretch out my neck, but also strengthen the muscles around it so that way all the other muscles and ligaments don’t have to work so hard to keep my head up. I already have a fault because of the Ehlers Danlos so my ligaments and tendons are weak, but that just makes the muscles work harder and in turn makes my head hurt.
We’ve been doing some sort of yoga style stretches and whatnot, so hopefully once I feel better with this, I can actually go do yoga. I always feel like I am way too stiff and painful to do yoga and I know it’s supposed to help with a lot of those, but it’s a little different with a body like mine. I’m always afraid I’m going to dislocate something or slip a disc, or even tear a ligament. So doing it under the supervision of someone medically trained to help a condition is better for me.
We’re also taking it very slow. The first week I just went once. This week I went twice and it seems like it’ll be twice from here on out. I also got some exercise bands and so I can better do those exercises at home. He just gave them to me like nothing. In AZ they wanted me to pay like $12 for each band. He just gave me two of them and told me if I wanted more just let him know and he had several other resistances lol. sheesh.
It has been strange coming here after having all my drs at my fingertips, and still not completely getting the care I needed. Rheumatology was set, I basically told her this is what I was on, put me back on it and she had no problem with that. We have changed things up a bit there and all seems to be going well as far as reducing the plaquenil, so I will probably take it completely off the table and see how I feel after that.
Uhmmm yeah.
We haven’t really been up to much because Randy has been working pretty much every single day for the last month and a half lol. It’s been great though for him. He’s enjoying it and he got his promotion to store manager a couple of days ago! He got almost a $4 raise too, which is awesome. For now, until they can hire another manager in training, him and the assistant manager are working pretty much 6 on 1 off. The middle of the week shift, Wednesday is a full day open to close.
The guy that was the store manager got fired because he was a dumbass pretty much. Lots of little bad things he was doing. It wasn’t hurting the store in any way other than possibly causing some issues with customers who may have needed help. The other guy that was hired as MIT around the same time as Randy also got let go because he was partaking in the same things as the manager and he had already put in his 2 weeks, because he knew things weren’t going to look good for him either.
So lots of movement, and the assistant manager was slightly surprised that Randy got the position instead of him, but in the end realized that Randy has the experience and he doesn’t. So he’s been working really well with Randy to keep things going as smooth as possible. They did hire a couple of other employees, so that helps.
They had to deal with all of that, all while going through the Back to School and Tax Free weekend which of course falls on the same weekend lol.
Anyway, so he has been doing well. He is enjoying the job and he’s happy that someone finally recognized his experience and gave him the position he has been wanting. I’m extremely proud of him. He’s worked so hard to get here and with all the major set backs, he’s finally achieved one of his goals. It’s really nice to see him happy and enjoying life again.
It also helps that we have money again. I know people say money can’t buy happiness but it sure can buy a lot of things that make you happy. And keep things on like electricity and shit like that so you aren’t sitting in the dark, and keep food on your table. People don’t realize that happiness comes in many forms. And the act of having money isn’t the part that brings happiness. It’s the ability to do things with that money and afford to live your life. THAT is what brings happiness.
Anyway, so that’s how things are going. We are moving along. I see my neurologist again on the 4th of September. I still haven’t gotten in for my MRI, but I have a couple more weeks until it’s necessary. I hope you all are doing well. Take care of yourselves!!!
Squidobarnez ⋅ August 18, 2024
it sounds like you're taking some control back, and that makes me smile for you.