In the Life Log - Day 147 in My Musings

  • Aug. 11, 2024, 4:44 p.m.
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Today was an average day. I think my sleep was in the 8 hour mark, and I did not have any waves of sadness or panic attacks so that’s always a good thing. I did feel my legs feeling a bit tired though, most likely from Friday’s session.

I had to go to the hospital, however, around early afternoon since my mom had to be admitted in the emergency room. Thankfully, all the tests turned out well; after about 6 hours of keeping watch, I took my mom home to our family residence. After which, most of my evening was spent watching Queen of Tears.

I can’t believe that the weekend flew by so quickly. Hopefully the new week will turn out just fine. I’m optimistic, albeit with a bit of anxiety, owing to earlier’s events.

Overall rating for the day: 6/10

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