home grown tomatoes in Hi This is Kat!

  • Aug. 3, 2024, 10:05 a.m.
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Last night I talked to Jo and she was telling me she can’t tell night from day… I hear that happens even though I don’t completely understand… does that mean if she looks outside or just that she sleeps all the time???

She keeps telling me she is dying! it frightens me so much. Then she apologize for upsetting me and worrying me. I don’t believe anyone has told her that… I feel she just feel that way…I relate as when I was sick last time I thought I was dying too.

She keeps wanting to do her will. I told her all she has to do is write it down on paper and date and sign it.... I would make her an appt with a lawyer I am just not sure she would make it

my go to lunch lately… one large home grown tomato covered in feta cheese, with red wine vinegar and olive oil… so yummy and refreshing

Jodie August 03, 2024

Question? maybe a lawyer will meet both of you and help write the will? then it will be leagal the first time? I have a feeling she will never get to writing her will so maybe don't hold your breath.

theKat Jodie ⋅ August 03, 2024

the will would only be for her condo, car, three old pick up trucks and personal items. the rest have beneficiary named.

theKat Jodie ⋅ August 03, 2024

anything dated, signed, and witnessed is legal even if it is written on a napkin

Jodie theKat ⋅ August 03, 2024

I know but then it has to be re written onto something leagal where there are three wittnesses..the person the lawyer and the witness....

theKat Jodie ⋅ August 03, 2024

you are wrong... it does not

Jodie theKat ⋅ August 03, 2024

I would be checking the laws on how a will is written because here in B.C. there has to be two wittness and just writing it without thwm is not valid....so check the laws.

theKat Jodie ⋅ August 03, 2024

I agree you have to have witnesses but when she signs it she will take to the bank as she signs it the will notarize it as well. they only need to see her sign it.

Jodie theKat ⋅ August 03, 2024

But they will have to see her write it and there has to be one other witness who won't inhreit anything...

Yes, a DIY will is still a valid will, as long as it meets the legal requirements in your state. For example, if you write your will by hand (known as a “holographic” will), you should still have two witnesses—who saw you sign the will and don't stand to inherit anything from you—sign it.

theKat Jodie ⋅ August 03, 2024

at time people write a will out and no one witnesses it. most of the time it is ruled legal. how ever she want to do it is fine with me. I do not tell her how to do her will or beneficiaries . it should be 100% her free will.

Jodie theKat ⋅ August 03, 2024

Then when it finally gets intot he hands of the lawyer there might be a problem, Why not do it leagal then the process will be better and faster?

theKat Jodie ⋅ August 03, 2024

because it is really not that important to me one way or the other.

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