Apple pickin in Bittersweet
- July 28, 2024, 6:17 p.m.
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We had some plans to do a little hike today but before we left. I was of course wasting time on facebook. I saw a lady posting a bushel of apples for 20. So we instead drove an hour east to go pick some apples.
I ended up vastly over paying her for what we picked vs what she had requested. But oh well lol. The kids had fun picking apples!
We ended up with 40 lbs of teeeny tiny sour apples.
I turned a pot into apple pie filling. And a pot into apple butter so far! 35 lbs to go lmao! The nice thing about apple butter is you dont need to skin the apples. You cook them with their peels on! It tastes amazing too. Now the pie filling one, Ill probably start cooking it down into more apple butter. It tastes perfect for filling but im not sure I like the peels on it. The apples are tiny, you cant really peel them well unless you want to spend hours and hours on it.... I donno.
It was 104 degrees out when we were picking. Its down to 92 degrees after 7 pm lol.
I wish there was a way that would be easier to process tiny apples lol. Even cut and coring them was time consuming.
We had 8 cups of apple pie filling and three tupperwears of apple butter. I want to blend the apple butter a second time but the flavor is so good.
Last updated July 28, 2024
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