You're not a special and unique snowflake. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.

  • July 23, 2024, 4:06 a.m.
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There’s only maybe a dozen kinds of people you’ll meet in life. This means:

  • You are not like the majority of people on the planet. That’s a lot of people.

  • You are like a twelfth of people on the planet. That’s also a lot of people. You are not alone in your brand of weird.

It’s just a fascinating observation. I moved across the country only to find largely the same people. Don’t think hard psychological types, even though I’m sure they apply.

While there’s nuance in the human experience, the feelings people have. The range of human emotion. What things people are going to feel across a lifetime are largely the same. Just a matter of degree. Of whether you even notice it happened. Whether it reverberated.

Oh that guy? He’s like Airk. Oh her? She’s like Liz. Her? Eh, checked out olde person you gotta tolerate. This isn’t to NPC people. It’s that with experience, you can base how to respond to people based on what worked for their archetype in the past. Adaptive socialization.

Eh. Just thinking about how a coworker was about to pull the I’m not like other girls, and I’m thinking girrrrrl, I’ve met chicks like you before. And ditto my own oh me I’m not like other boys.

When I totally can recognize when I meet people that are close enough to my neurospicy. It just isn’t that difficult to read yup, they socially suck, have anxiety, depression, and have a sense of humor most don’t get.

Or maybe I have better emotional intelligence than I give myself credit for. People aren’t that complicated if you pay attention.

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