Well, That Was Piggin' Lucky! in YES YES YES!

  • July 21, 2024, 5:50 a.m.
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We have a window cleaner at our business once a month. Each month he cleans the 4 downstairs huge windows and every 3 months he does those then also the 2 upstairs.

The monthly he only charges £10.00 and the 3 monthly is £60.00. No problem, as he always does an excellent job and we make him a cup of tea and have a natter and a laugh.

We take his wages from our shop takings. If I don’t have the cash in my shop till then my hubby pays him online by BACS. Last month was £10.00 but as of this month also we had appallingly small sales and by the time the 17th came I’d hardly made about £6.00 all week but hubby assured me he’d pay £10.00 from his own money into BACS. So I texted the cleaner to let him know his money will be in his account in the next 24 hours.

I asked hubby for the cleaner’s receipt as I do the monthly business book-keeping/accounts and that’s when hubby sheepishly admitted he hadn’t paid him!

So then I had to scramble around trying to get £20.00 together by the 19th of this month. £20.00 sounds small but not when you’re f/t self-employed and run on commissions instead pf actual wages, we literally don’t know when the next sale/commission is coming in as we can go days with no sales at all!

I even considered borrowing £20.00 from a friend then paying him back as soon as I get a decent sale, he knows I can be 100% trusted, we’ve know each other since 2017!

This week I was panicking as I couldn’t get the cash together and I knew he was due to collect it on the 19th, but then, YES! On the 18th I had a sale of almost £80.00 and it was in cash so I quickly squirreled £20.00 away, the cleaner came in on the 19th and I handed him over his full £20.00 in cash!

This month I’m putting away the £10.00 in a place where only I know about it … hubby will spend it, that’s why he didn’t pay the cleaner last month! … so it’ll be ready for next month!

That was brilliant timing with the customer!

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