Let's take a moment to talk about how my semen tastes. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.

  • July 20, 2024, 6:49 a.m.
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  • Public

I think dropping dairy has made my boyspunk taste better.


That was supposed to be the mid-entry reveal, as I already had the overly long ostentatious attention-grabbing title. But, I’ve been spending too much time on reddit, and it’s probably influenced me to lead with The Thesis Statement. Rather than assuming anyone has the patience for potentially entertaining nonsense.

Actually, reddit is what influenced me to write this. Oh, not the spunk itself. Just follow my train of thought for a second.


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For reasons I don’t know, reddit has been suggesting /r/hygiene/ to me. The two major topics include:

  • How often do you shower?
  • Do you wash your butthole?
  • Why does my pussy smell, and what should pussy smell like?

That… that’s it. That’s 90% of the posts.

Smattered in there are people asking why they smell bad. I’m sure the AI bots are going to assume the entire population smells bad. When, in reality, the subsect of people of people who are going to post about the quality of their scent is going to be people that smell. Nobody posts

Smelling great! Just wanted to share.

That just doesn’t get clicks and views. : (

Overall, the people asking why their armpits/pussy/balls/butthole/feet/whatever smell never mention their diet.

I mean.

Isn’t that the most obvious troubleshooting?

If you reek of curry, it’s probably the curry, dude.

Which got me thinking about a recent highly pleasurable session of masturbation. I don’t make a habit of sampling the Organic Timmycream™, but it is something I do as a matter of Quality Control.

I’ll let the registered cocksuckers make the Spitters Are Quitters jokes. If I’m being honored with a blowjob, I’m certainly not going to quibble about where the Expulsion of Erotic Love ends up after it is ejected from my Manrod of Joy. But if she is going to taste and swallow my Seed of Love, I SURELY should know what I taste like.

And yes.

I know.

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Don’t call you Shirley.

But yeah.

Eating my own semen remains something that is really really hot. Until I orgasm. Switching midcoitus to cunnilingus? Rawr, love the sweaty flavor of our mutual fluids. Orgasming in her pussy and then eating my own creampie? Uhhhhh. Forgive my trepidation, but not on my morning bucket list.

(In addition, I lose that Imma pleasure you zing post-orgasm. So, as a strategy, remains smart to spot a woman an orgasm prior to coitus. It’s logically sound. On paper, coitus shouldn’t be the end of play. But in practice, well. Cut me some slack there, okay? After orgasm, I wanna cuddlenap. <3 )

Where was I?

Something about tasting my cum? Oh right.

The only difference between now and years past is I haven’t had milk in months. A basic strategy to drop calories during my New Years Resolution Cut. While my cut has slowed, holding at under 170 lbs when I was 205 at new years remains, well. Definitely feeling better about myself physically. Both in what I see in the mirror, and how my body moves in space.

Oh. I was wondering if I’d find a segue for some casual nudity.

Look at my white butt!

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It’s all lighting and posing, people. Why aren’t you taking more assies? If the girls on Instagram can do it, SO CAN YOU.

Anyway, I was going to suggest a challenge of augmenting your partner’s diet, draining their semen or vaginal fluids, giving them a few days to recharge, and them sampling their new Genital Juice Especial™.


You are what you eat. And among other things, I eat ass.

Last updated July 20, 2024

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