A whole lot of shit getting ready to fall in Hi This is Kat!

  • July 17, 2024, 10:15 p.m.
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As most know… my bestie Jojo is very ill with cirrhosis and well… she is a drunk too. I love her tho!
Well… her asshole husband introduced Jo to the homeless man for him to do cheap work on the condo… what a nightmare! he brought his other homeless harem several girls. one is in the courts for fraud stealing like 40,000 from the last sick person she rooted her way into their life.
I told them a few weeks ago that if I needed to I will shut this shit show down! as he does little work he painted one room and small amount of dry wall hole and put up a light and carpet stairs all kinda needs to be redone but this has taken him 4 months!!!!
MEANWHILE they have been stealing from her and then she let one of the use her credit card and poof lots of money missing out of two of her accounts!
now a friend of the freaks is a nurse they got to help with Jos health!!!! she went to the dr appt with us and took notes and tried to act medical but knew NOTHING and was always wrong in what she said…sooo I went home and researched her. hell she has never been to college!

So… we get home from Tenn last night and I opened the mail and it said she opened a google pay with her card! I called Jo asap and we went to the bank today to once again change the number.... so we went to bank 1 and there were thousands of dollars charged! this the the 2nd card! she like a fool trust the idiot fake nurse and they had car issue or something and jo used her new credit card to pay! that was Monday after her doctors appt. the holly the fake nurse applied for google pay with her new card and made 4 purchases for Monday night to Wednesday morning.

Jo was livid and felt embarrassed to let people fool her! Next stop we went to Randy’s shop Jo’s sorta husband that live in an old shop they owned that went out of business! He also has one of the homeless live with him… personally I think they are hooking up?? We got the credit card she let the homeless guy use to buy a door for her patio. STUPID again! both Randy and him went thru 6000 in about a week or two!

SOOOOOOO tomorrow the shit will hit the fan! Because either both Jo and I are going to the police or I am going to pull out my POA card and file charges! NO ONE steals from my bestie!!!!!!!!!

Jo wants to call that Holly out on it and I told her I was afraid she might come over and hurt Jo! Jo is in the condo ALONE!!!! Jo is very frail!!! When they find out they will probably freak out a bit as.... they knew Jo stopped the one card so that should have let them know to not push it any farther but know they the work on the other card and Holly had Jo’s new credit card info the first day and made a google pay out of it probably her big mistake because that info was sent to my house!

I told them I would stop the shit show… they did not listen. They thought jo was too drunk and too ill to even care.... they did not count on me. as Jo’s husband is also guilty of this fraud too but I think no charges will go to him.

I am sure Randy hates me as much as he does Jo. and I am sure he is saving up for a lawyer… We have a surprise for him if he does.... Jo is signing EVERY single dollar at the broker over to me too as a joint owner so he has no chance in hell to steal anything else from Jo!!!!

and for the homeless peps and the fake nurse… smile you are going to be arrested tomorrow

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