So Proud Of Our Beloved Daughter! in YES YES YES!

  • July 4, 2024, 5:40 a.m.
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Our little tabby cat, Wopsie, who we rescued from the streets in November 2022 when she was abandoned, scared, abused and starving.

We took her in, got her to the vet for treatments etc. We don’t know her age but we think she’s now about 4 in human years so would be about 32 in her own years. She’s gorgeous and we absolutely worship her!

Recently she started sneezing and coughing quite badly with runny eyes etc. so we took her to the vet who said she has a cold and they put her on some medicine. She was barely eating and very lethargic etc. It was so bad we were in tears thinking we were actually going to lose her as she only moved off our bed for her littler tray and she was having difficulty in standing and walking, breathing and was shaking. Wasn’t really talking.

She sleeps with us every night and the vet said to let her stay there day and night and keep her warm, lots of extra hugs and attention and she should be OK.

I moved her litter tray from outside of the bathroom to the bedroom on my side and I put her food/water bowls on the bed by the pillow. For 3 days in a row she barely ate anything and we were worried that she was hardly drinking too. I tried spoon feeding her but it was like she wanted to eat but couldn’t.

Late night/early hours she snuggled in with us and was singing really loudly and she seemed a bit more .... with it.

This morning I again gently spoon fed her and not only did she manage to have an entire 75g tin of Chocka Chicken in Jelly untamed, which she loves, but she also had a tube of orange Creamy Dreamies, some Dreamies biscuits and some turkey balls which are actually just small turkey flavoured crunchy biscuits, they look like small Maltesers! She’s well stuffed!

I left her on the pillow with the dishes near her then left for work.

I was talking to her and telling her how proud we are of her for working hard at getting better!

She’s still very lethargic and having difficulty in standing but she seems to be getting a bit stronger in her little fluffy legs and feet!

Our hero! Which she is anyway!

Last updated July 04, 2024

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