In the Life Log - Day 108 in My Musings

  • July 3, 2024, 4:50 p.m.
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Today was a pretty good day. I clocked in more than 7 hours of sleep last night, which is a welcome change from the previous days. I didn’t seem to have any headache as well as the day progressed.

Majority of the day was eventful, to say the least. We lost our internet connection again for a few hours, only to regain it around 13 or so hours ago. What’s really annoying with our internet provider is we’ve already had a long outage last week (spanned around 4 days), only for the same incident to happen. While these things are mostly out of the technicians’ control, it makes me think sometimes what the company is doing.

Work was also quite interesting.. to say the least. The moment I logged in, an internal recruiter reached out to me. Long story, I got the internal position, and also entails an increase in rank. I’m not sure how to said take news, however, since I’m already keen on accepting the external offer. If only they were a few days/weeks early.. but then again, it’s probably a nice problem to have.

Since I only had one meeting earlier, I was able to use a lot of the free time to do chores; did laundry (can’t believe how long that takes), prepped my dad’s medicines, etc. I dare say today was the busiest day of the week, that I didn’t even have time to watch Korean drama lol.

I’m glad that the mid-week’s finally over. A couple more work days and it’s finally the weekend. Looking forward to get some peace of mind.

Overall rating for the day: 8/10

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