Anonymous results of survey in These titles mean nothing.
- July 1, 2024, 2:49 p.m.
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- Public
Keep in mind I used to do this kind of number play in my old old old job.
Also keep in mind that I was being paid to do it.
Also that I had better equipment both personal and professional when I was being paid for it.
Keep also in mind that it’s all a figment of my imagination and we are all in a cloud of uncertainty and prejudice.
Keeping all that in mind, thank you for your participation.
I had 21 comments - some public and some private.
Some left liberal/conservative ratings and some did not.
Some left explanations and some did not.
Everyone was reasonable.
I think you all.
I just averaged the results two different ways.
One came up 5.0 and the other came up 4.2.
I suppose my noters skew a little lefty but I think it’s a reasonable result.
I used to have a sweet little scientific calculator with a great statistical function. I haven’t seen it in several years. It had gotten pretty old - it would be 40 yrs old now. It was a Casio and later I bought a number of the same calculators at Radio Shack. How long ago that seems. How long ago that was.
I guess my computer still has a spreadsheet. I haven’t looked or used it in a long time. The last time was when I made the fair book and wanted to be able to insert and delete rows and I wanted to be able to sort lines. I was proud of that - it was after I no longer had access to Excel and work so I had to do it at the library. I was proud that I could make it jump through little hoops.
I am proud of and grateful for that part of my life. Yup, I am.
Here’s a picture of the northern sky sunrise, I talked about a while ago.
Just Annie ⋅ July 01, 2024
Ah, statistics. I'm pretty good at that kind of math. Poor Katie had to take statistics twice, once for her bachelor's degree, a second time for her master's. I was her tutor. And she passed with low B's both times!
WhatDreamsMayCome ⋅ July 03, 2024
I'd want to put my trailer where I could watch that sunset! ;-)
woman in the moon WhatDreamsMayCome ⋅ July 03, 2024 (edited July 03, 2024)
Top of the sidehill might be best for sunset watching. It's high and faces northwest.
The clearing is a great place too. Very private.
My corner of Iowa is so un-flat. Makes it much more interesting visually. Both farms have nice places. Oddly enough they aren't awfully good for watching either sunsets or sunrises. Does your house have views of either comings or goings of the solar variety?