Thanks A Bunch To The Chemist! in YES YES YES!

  • June 27, 2024, 2:05 p.m.
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There’s been a lot of disruption for staff and customers when Boots recently closed and became some other healthcare name which I can’t remember the name of for some reason.

Prescription mix ups, our local high street staff have had to spend weeks changing everything over both physically and digitally etc. They’ve all worked hard to get things sorted as soon as they can and there’s still a lot they need to do before it’s 100% completed.

I have to take 1 Ramipril and 1 Amlodipine each morning 7 mornings a week for high blood pressure. I don’t mind as they’re small, lightweight and easy to swallow. My next monthly bag was due on the 24th June but they didn’t have them in because of the system change but I was assured they’d be ready soon. I totally understood and they said to come back on the 26th.

I could feel my b.p rising so drank loads of extra cold water to try to stabilize it.

I went back about 5:30pm after work on the 26th and they were waiting for me!

I bought a bottle of cold water while collecting the tablets, got outside on the pavement and took 1 of each there and then!

Staff worked hard at getting them sorted fast for me!

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