Fury in Yet Another Human

  • Oct. 22, 2014, 7:21 a.m.
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I went to see the new movie called Fury with Brad Pitt last weekend. It is a about the tank battles in World War 2. The crew does what it can to fight evil, by killing as many Germans as possible. In the end they give their own lives for their principles.

It made me wonder, why are there still wars being fought in the world? We have not made much progress since World War 2, except that wars are not fought on a worldwide scale, but on a country scale, or a surgical scale with drones. Certain people still view war as a legitimate tool, to weed out tyranny, to make profits or for other reasons. But it is really an obsolete tool and it stands in the way of humanity reaching its next goals. Fighting fire with fire is clearly not working, it breeds hatred and need for revenge. Christianity came up with non-violence two thousand years ago already, regardless of how much it goes against human nature.

Many of us in America are just happy to be free from ‘tyranny’, and let our troops do the fighting away from the homeland. Constitutional rights do not apply to foreigners, so they are free to be killed like weeds by the CIA, etc.

But I do not think that is good enough. Whatever bad is done anywhere in the world should concern me just as much as to what is done to me or my family. We have to give up the old group thinking, the good us versus the evil them.

Easy for me to say, living in peaceful SiIlicon Valley?

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