In the Life Log - Day 97 in My Musings

  • June 22, 2024, 5:43 a.m.
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Today was so-so. I was able to sleep a lot last night; had about 8.5 hours overall which was really refreshing. I did have a weird (yet funny) dream, however. In said dream, my hand-carry and luggage were all packed for a supposed overseas vacation, only to tell myself that the trip is a month away.

Since there’s no workout session today, most of my day was spent doing chores - laundry, cooking, etc. For some reason, my luck was tested in the afternoon since we suddenly lost our internet connection (attributed to a line issue in our area), and our washing machine + dryer stopped working as well. Thankfully, those were resolved after a couple hours, but still nerve-wracking. I also got triggered which dampened my mood for the rest of the afternoon.

To sum it up, a lot could have been better. I’m still grateful for today, nonetheless, and keeping my hopes up that tomorrow will turn out better.

Overall rating for the day: 5/10

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