TIA stroke,boss arguments,cat walks on leash,fishing trip in Life of a cat mom

  • June 20, 2024, 7:52 a.m.
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My doctor showed me the scan of my brain. He showed me where my stroke damage can be seen. He said I had a TIA and I have an abnormal left posterior cerebral artery. The doctor said I need to lower my cholesterol, I am anemic and I need to exercise more.

As soon as I got out of the hospital my husband asked if we could go and walk our cat Cinder. Emily one of our best friends went too. Cinder loves her so much. I went to the YMCA Soccer Complex and went into the woods. Cinder was following Talan walking the path. Sometimes we had to stop so Cinder could hunt a bug. I really enjoyed the experience.

After we went on a walk we went to the bookstore. Cinder rode in his backpack we had his harness attached to to the bag so the kitten wouldn’t jump out but he could stand up and look around. The staff there was hanging around he caught me looking at a book he snuck up petting Cinder. I smiled at him and he knew he was caught. I told him of course he was welcome to pet Cinder. The man broke into a beautiful smile and pet him. Cinder loves the affection.

I love herbal remedy books. I also loves books that teach you about weeds we walk past everyday that are great for medication and food. I have bought several books lately and I have been skimming the pages craving to learn. I found a tea that stops PMS pain. I think I can buy the herbs from Rose Mountain Herbs.

I turned in my doctor note for Jess to tell me I faked my condition. I told her if I faked my condition why was I in the hospital for 3 days? Where I took pictures of walking the cat she said I was having to much fun. I told her I walk my cat daily. To me this is a chore this isn’t a party. I gave her the note. She said I had no evidence but suddenly got silent when I laid down paperwork from Raleigh General that says TIA stroke and I had an abnormal posterior cerebral artery. She asked me why it took me so long to get out of the hospital? Why did the doctor give me several days off? The doctor went back to check if the abnormal posterior cerebral artery was safe or if it had plans of rupturing. They told me to relax because if I have another stroke it might be my last. Jessie said I had no evidence and I pointed the damage on the brainscan and asked her is that enough evidence or does she want to talk to my Dr?.. my Dr told me take time off rest but walk a little for my health. I almost told her shove it up her ass instead I gave her my medical files. Which is my business not hers!

She told me she better not see me having anymore fun. Screw her. What I do in my spare time is none of her business. My husband Talan,Tella and I got a massive raft from Sam’s Club and we went swimming. Talan decided he needed to exercise. He said he will happily treat me like a queen and float Tella and I around the river. Talan didn’t have a sinker so he found plastic bags weave them together and bagged rocks like macgyver he created a helpful tool. We didn’t float away. Talan brought us snacks. We were having a great time till Talan pissed off a bluegill. He accidentally got in her next she kept attacking him. Talan got on the raft to float a bit the fish decided it was our turn to get bit. Tiny little warrior that fish is.

Tella knows I have fibromyalgia. I was looking for my muscle relaxers hoping it would make the pain go away. Tella smacked my ass shooting nerve pains up my back. I squealed out crying. My husband got between us because he knew I planned to fuck Tella up. Tella apologized and crying. She smacked my butt before what’s the problem. I told her the muscle relaxers relax my pain system not being able to take them makes my body suffer in misery. Tella kept apologizing. I was pissed! Her fibromyalgia is on her hip she assumed mine was there too.

We had a great time. A man we never met before offered us watermelon. Tella happily ate it. I know I am from the small town of Beckley but I didn’t accept it. Massive red flag. He technically is a friendly stranger. He walk around the shore sharing his watermelon with others. This man was from out of state and was trying to use the watermelon as a conversation piece so he wouldn’t be lonely. We did happily talked to him. He was delightful and warm. He said he was from Ohio but he travels around for work. He hadn’t seen his family in months but thanked us for being kind. He is a good guy just needing a friend for a while. He was delightful to be around.

We bought a beach umbrella at Sam’s. We were thinking of using it but by the time we got there the shade from the mountain top made the the area shaded and comfortable. We swam till dark it was a great day.

Tella knows I am superstitious. She thought it was funny whistling after dark. I told her I fear wild animals might find us dont whistle around Talan after dark he believes in skin walkers and is very superstitious. Tella caught us walking down the hill and whistled. I put my hand over her mouth and told her if I get ate by a bear because of her whistling I will have no choice but to haunt her ass the rest of her life.. she smiled saying at least I will have my best friend..omg bitch no!

My boss earlier this year was raffling off gift baskets and vacations to try to gather money to pay for a security system for the nursing home her moms lives in after people stole tables,chairs TV and microwave. I ended up winning a fishing trip. 2 people can go and our pet Cinder can. Before you ask my cat likes water. We plan to get him a life preserver and teach him to swim better so we can take him. This cat jumps in the shower with us to lick water off our legs. Cinder goes fishing with us. He enjoys laying on the dock watching birds. When we found out he is adventurous and curious we trained him to comfortably ride in my car. We are famous around our neighborhood as the crazy cat couple..what a compliment :) Tella wanted to go but when i.told her we got 2 free tickets she have to pay for hers she grumbled. She goes on adventures with me too.. Tella is the human version of my cat. They both are adventurers. I love them dearly.

Yesterday I took Talan to the weight loss clinic I was sitting outside and the doctor told me since I don’t have my cat to entertain me outside today that I should come into Talan appointment. My husband and I found what looks like a glob of fat in the table. It shows how much weight a person has lost. We were caught by the doctor playing catch with it. It was bouncy and apparently was made to be safe for little kids.. haha sure little kids in their 30s. The doctor said she intentionally made it like a bouncy ball so people could play with it waiting on her she said lots of people play with it. She bounced the ball of fat off the floor and caught it. We laughed. Come to find out Talan has lost 30 pounds since January I am proud of him. He lost 30 pounds by walking our cat Cinder daily. Who knew a cat would be good for his health.

I got to get off here and pay Mom’s bills. I will update y’all later.. bye

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