Wednesday 19th June 2024 in 2024

  • June 19, 2024, 6:43 p.m.
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This is turning into one of those Wednesdays where even the fluorescent lights seem to be flickering in judgment. The Anderson proposal – a behemoth of legalese and conflicting demands – is threatening to consume my entire week. We need to close by next week, but apparently, “closing” means endless revisions that get bounced back and forth like a particularly spiky beach ball.
Half the morning was spent wrestling with Sarah’s latest request: market data for a niche industry that, as far as I can tell, exists solely in the fever dreams of hedge fund managers. It’s like trying to find reliable sources on the mating habits of the Loch Ness Monster. I hate to say this, but Sarah’s financial literacy seems sometimes questionable. I know it’s a large claim made (possibly) too soon. Let’s just call it intuition. Hopefully, this latest idea will die a swift and merciful death.
Speaking of questionable decisions, tonight’s dinner date with Joanne is looming like a potential financial audit. She used to be my go-to for office gossip, a walking encyclopedia of the latest marketing meltdowns and creative director tantrums. Back in the day, we’d dissect campaigns like vultures picking at a carcass, dissecting bad decisions and celebrating brilliant ones. But lately, she’s become a vault. The new marketing firm she joined must be lined with lead, because all I get are vague pronouncements about “disruptive innovation” and “paradigm shifts.”
I remember the “subliminal messaging in cat food commercials” theory she swore by last year. And the whole “psychedelic marketing to dogs” campaign she thought was genius (spoiler alert: the client did not). Those were the good old days. Now, it’s like pulling teeth to get her to elaborate on anything remotely interesting. Maybe she’s worried I’ll steal her million-dollar idea? Maybe something else is going on, something she’s not comfortable sharing? Ugh, the possibilities are giving me a stress headache. Here’s hoping a large glass of red and a good dose of honesty can clear the air tonight. Wish me luck!

Last updated June 20, 2024

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