In the Life Log - Day 90 in My Musings

  • June 15, 2024, 11:19 a.m.
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Today was an ok day. I felt my sleep was a bit lacking, despite having clocked about 7 hours or so; maybe that’s really how it is when one tends to wake up before the alarm goes off. Another sign of that is dozing off in the afternoon while just scrolling in my cellphone.

I went to the mall earlier for a few hours to meet a friend. It was an amazing session, overall, as we got to catch up over great food (I had chicken and waffles) and of course, coffee. We only spent 2 hours total, but certainly could have stayed longer if we weren’t only mindful of the time due to personal obligations. It really feels good when you’re able to resonate with someone, and for me, that is a rarity.

My dad and I dropped off my mom to the airport a few hours ago. I hope and pray that her flight goes smoothly. She’ll be away for 3 weeks, which is quite the change, since we’re used to having her around all the time.

Overall rating for the day: 9/10

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