It's 12.2 C. in WEEEE!

  • June 10, 2024, 3:20 a.m.
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  • Public

And it’s going to absolutely PIDDLE down here at any moment! It was last night and I’ve got one of those thick ‘’swimmy’‘ headaches so I know for sure we’ll be having loads more rain! I LOVE rain! The more the merrier! It’s also lovely and windy, too!

On the 1st of April 2023 … of all dates! .... the chimney opposite was blown down by a huge storm in the night and left a massive gaping hole in the roof, there’s about 1/2 of it left. The brainless landlord arranged for a big blue sheet to be put over it but the equally brainless workmen put it so it’s going downwards instead of across! Rain, winds, snow, heat, all weathers are getting into it and there’s tons of rubble etc. in the below flat and going into the shop below the flat!

The stupid landlord wants to rent the property out WITH the 1/2 chimney/gaping hole, he’s moaning bitterly that nobody is interested but I wouldn’t want to rent a shop where the entire thing could literally collapse on top of me at any moment, it’s the reason the lady who had the shop before closed up in June 2023!

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