Broke down car,sick just want to sleep in Life of a cat mom

  • June 6, 2024, 4:40 p.m.
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My car decided it wasn’t going to start this morning. I called my boss Gina. She sent her husband to pick me up from my house so I could serve breakfast at the hotel. I appreciated them helping me find a ride. I feel horrible I have sinus congestion. I think it’s my allergies.

I haven’t been having much luck with cars lately. My brother Tom is coming to the hotel to help me go somewhere for a money order so I can pay my rent. He is going to try to help me jump my car and see if we can fix it’s problems.

On Tuesday my husband Talan and I with our friends Tella, Emily,Jude and Pan went to Lake Stephens. We went swimming, After we went swimming we went to Pan’s house and had a BBQ. I kept telling my husband it’s getting late I got to go home. He wouldn’t listen to me. I slept an hour in the car uncomfortable while he grilled chicken. I didn’t go to bed till 11:30. He knew I had to be up at 4. When I got up to go to work I commented how tired I am. His answer? Maybe I should call in and go back to bed. I am the only person serving breakfast. They depend on me at the hotel.

My boss today wanted me to play games and hang out to eat with everyone after I got off work. My sinus infection has been killing me. I just wanted to go to bed. I humored her help out up the truck at work. She grew irritated when I said can I go to bed now. I dont feel good enough to be social. I was excused so I could sleep.

I got to go with my brother to pay my rent and try to fix my car. I guess I will write later.

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