Orange jumpsuit in Stuff
- June 1, 2024, 4:08 a.m.
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Well, at the moment, it looks like I’ll be going into work tomorrow, with Covid. I texted my ASM to ask what the policy is and he confirmed what I thought it was - as long as asymptomatic and not a “real” cough, I am fine to work, although a mask is recommended.
Umm, I sure as fuck will be wearing a mask, as I do not want to potentially kill some little old lady customer who’s just grabbing her milk for the morning. I’m going to feel horrible though, emotionally that is. I do have a cough, but it’s not “real” or I guess major. That will be the worst part, trying to supress the Covid-cough. Customers will know I’m “diseased”. I really should just say ‘fuck work’s policy’ and stay the hell home.
My only real symptoms are a sore throat, a bit of a sniffly nose and the random coughing. It is a vast difference to the first time I had this and had to call ‘000’ from my Sydney hotel room as I was physically unable to move my own body from the bed. Even trying to get to my phone to make the call felt like the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I was crying to the lady on the other end of the phone, “help…me.” I could barely get the words out. I’ll never forget that.
And then to find out it was Covid (probably combined with a bit of heatstroke, I would assume, as I’d been at the beach earlier) and having to spend over 24 hours in the Sydney Eye Hospital’s ER with four different drips hooked up to me. Yeah, I’m pretty fucking thankful to currently have the symptoms of a cold compared to that!
I am quite aware that days 3 and 4 are usually the worst of Covid, and I believe that is probably tomorrow and Monday, so I’m definitely keeping an eye on things. I do keep waking up between 2:30am and 3:30am feeling uncomfortable however, which is very strange. It’s still pitch-black outside and I usually feel like I’m cold. So I’ll turn my heater on and generally feel a bit better once I do. But then it gets too hot and I have to set it back to half-heat or last night I had to turn it back off. I did manage to get back to sleep, thankfully. The sore throat has been the worst. As is the fatigue (like, holy hell!) Apparently that is the sign that this is the latest strain out of the U.S., so I’m sure that’s the one this is. The fever seems to be less common in this varient, as is the loss of taste and smell. So I’ve been a bit confused about my body waking me up in the early hours of the morning and needing to turn the heater on. My Google Nest tells me that it’s only been 17 degrees outside, so while that’s coolish for a Queenslander, it’s not overly cool enough to warrant a heater being turned on, but I don’t really feel like it’s me having a fever either. Like, maybe borderline-ish? Covid is so fucking weird. And then because I’ll have been awake for a few hours or so, before daylight, I’ll start to feel nauseous 🤢 And I know that’s usually because I’m hungry, so I’ve been eating a slice of plain sourdough bread to get me through. Although I had the bread this morning (nothing on it) and I felt even more nauseated as I was taking each bite. I though I was going to have to rush to the bathroom, but thankfully the feeling went away. I managed to get back to sleep, but my body woke up up again, as this time it was too hot, and I had to turn the heater off. Then I went back to sleep again. So my body is very cat-and-mouse with Covid this time. My stars even say not to ignore my body, and they’ve been pretty spot-on lately, so I’ll take heed.
I pretty much haven’t left my room since Thursday, only briefly to go make food in the kitchen. Of course, that’s the time my housemate decides to come home. I’ve been trying my best to avoid him and try to make food quickly so I can confide myself back in my diseased room. That’s how I feel having Covid. It doesn’t matter that it feels like a cold this time around. I’m still shaken from having had to work throughout the pandemic as an essential worker, whilst Covid killed people. A lot of people have managed to adapt their lives to see Covid as no big deal anymore and “The New Normal”, but I’m struggling to. I think it’s probably to do with my stint in the ER with it and knowing it damn near nearly took me out in 2023.
That was 14 months ago now, I realized, and I was meant to get a booster-shot 6 months after that, but I never did. Now I guess once this fucks off, I’ll have to wait another six months, but will I get another booster? I don’t know. The sign in the pharmacy says that booster’s aren’t recommended by ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation) anymore. If I had high risk factors or am over 65, it would be. So I dunno. I was vaccinated the first time I had it, and nearly died and this time I wasn’t, and it feels much like a cold. Tin foil hat, anyone?
Because I’ve been in my room for around 48 hours, I’ve been reading some of my books. My weekend has been a bust because of this and I have to miss Sheldon’s birthday tonight, but I’d rather not kill his friends at dinner. I’m dramatic, but it’s a possibility. I’m current enjoying ‘12 rules for life’ and catching up on RuPaul’s latest autobiograpghy ‘The House Of Hidden Meanings’, which is a nice change from all the self-help books. Covid has been a decent distraction from my own head, ironically.
I tend to avoid the news these days cos of all my head-shit going on, but of course I couldn’t avoid Trump being convicted on all counts LOL. It still blows my mind that a convict is still eligible to run for POTUS, but hey, that the U.S.A. way it seems HA! I’m interested to see if people will still vote for him. Will he have to run the country in an orange jumpsuit? At least it will match his skin-tone! :D
I’m so confused hahaha.
Here in Australia, we just overthrow our prime-ministers when they aren’t doing a good enough job. But I don’t think we have convicts in office lol.
Last updated June 01, 2024
nthaniel ⋅ June 02, 2024
I'm so glad it didn't take you out of this world. I hope you get to feeling better soon. I hate the effect the physical and mental health are having on you, but I'm also not surprised to see your concern for other people. I've always said you are beautiful on the inside, as well as the outside, and you prove it all the time.
KissOfLife! nthaniel ⋅ June 02, 2024
Awww! That is so kind :) Thankyou
Fawkes Gal ⋅ June 02, 2024
I'm glad that so far COVID is being easier on you this time. Fingers crossed the next two days aren't brutal. <3
There are Trump signs all over my stupidly republican town (even though my state usually leans blue), it drives me crazy. I don't know how so many people can be so stupid.