In the Life Log - Day 75 in My Musings

  • May 31, 2024, 12:20 p.m.
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Today was certainly above average. I was still able to get decent sleep (clocked in around 7 hours), and were it not for my alarm clock, I would have overslept. I had no instances of any of the big 3 (weird dreams, wave of sadness, and panic attack) so all is well.

A few minutes after waking up, I saw that I’m up for final interview with regard to the internal position. I was informed, however, that I should create a sales pitch which will be a point of discussion. As I was advised that anything goes (the previous hires used a ballpoint pen, egg, and the company itself as talking points) so I opted to create a self-sales pitch. I think it’s quite risky, but went all in. Goes without saying that most of my afternoon was spent on creating said pitch.

I did have a few meetings again, one of which occurred 30 minutes before I called it a day. I had a bit of annoyance with said meeting as the requester sounded demanding and didn’t consider the fact that myself and my colleague that she asked for a favor are not really experts; rather, we only got involved because we had little to do a few months ago.

I hit legs earlier; since I’m in my parents’ home, I did a home workout (which will be the norm in the next month). The resistance bands I haven’t been touching for a good couple years went to good use. No cardio, however.

With the start of June (it’s already June 1, 12:19 a.m. as of this writing), I take a look back on the month that was. While it was quite a mixed bag, I’m still grateful with the turnout. Looking forward to the midyear.

Overall rating for the day: 8/10

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