February 2009 in 2000s

  • May 29, 2024, 10:32 p.m.
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I’m just about ready to kiss pound #17 goodbye. Yeah, just when I thought I wouldn’t lose any more, down goes another pound. Since running in quick spread-out bursts, I haven’t done any straight 20-minute jogging in about a week. The slightest variation in routine can cause you to work different muscles, so I decided to jog today up and down the place just to see if the new routine was pulling me out of shape in other ways, but nope. If anything, I’m in better shape and the quick, stationary bursts of running are working even more muscles. Or the same ones harder. This is good to know cuz once it finally warms up, I’m not going to be able to run 20 minutes straight. We’re still having rain for the most part, but I’m hoping things are going to warm up soon. Not around here, but in town, the leaves are starting to bud on those that lost them.

Tom talked to Jesse for almost 5 minutes today and now we know why there’s been more barking. First, though, Jesse’s not only still okay with us having to split the rent, but he too, is on unemployment! We figured he was out of work.

He said he wasn’t aware that the dogs were going off whenever he leaves (we figured this, too), but that he’s been leaving them behind more lately because of the rain, and apparently, they’d like to go with him.

Another thing he says he’s trying to do is to breed them. My first thought was, oh, that’s just great. Just what we need around here; to triple the dog count. But Tom said he clearly said one litter, and we’re pretty sure he’s not going to keep the puppies. Usually, when you breed your dogs it’s to give puppies to friends and family members. Unfortunately, he didn’t say anything about getting rid of one of the parents after the dating game ends. Who knows, this might be an opportunity for us. I did say that if I was going to be forced to listen to barking wherever we go we might as well make some of it ours, and I did say that I wished I could have a pet that lived a hell of a lot longer than rats, so maybe we can see about getting one. It’d be easier to get one from him than to go to the pound, and this way, if it didn’t work out for some reason, we could give it back to him. I don’t know what kind of dogs these are. They’re not the same, whatever they are, but they’d be a good size. Not too little that you gotta worry about stepping on them, but not too big either.

He said that the female is older and that he thinks they haven’t bred yet because the male hasn’t quite gotten the hang of what to do yet. He said he caged them while she was in heat.

He also appears to be getting really sick of being home, asking if there was anything we needed done down here. That’s what I was afraid of. Not of him being a pest. He got that out of his system a while back. What worries me is what’s going to happen when he goes back to work. Tom thinks that for now, he’ll probably start taking them with him more often, but when he goes back to work, then what? Do we just have to sit and take it on and off all day?

Tom said he likes my idea of using the barking as sort of an ultimatum once he gets a job himself, as to whether or not we’re going to move. We both don’t think Jesse would want to give up good renters like us and risk getting a repeat of the last people he had in here. We can still get the stop-barking device, but I don’t know if it’ll work. I wonder if he’d let us use it up there.

Well, our problems don’t usually get fixed that easily, so my guess is things will be the same or eventually get worse until we figure out what to do next. For now, I’m glad Tom laid the foundation down for whatever has to come next to shut them up. All Jesse has to do is pull them indoors when he takes off, but for some reason, most people in the West simply won’t do that.

So I’ve gone from being hunted down by my “legal” stalkers, to being stuck in motels, to being murdered by my brother and uncle in my nightmares. Ugh! Not cool. Not cool at all.

The dream was amazingly vivid and detailed, and I remember just about all of it, too. For reasons my folks would never even consider, they bought back the first house they owned in Longmeadow, the one with the huge backyard where I lived during my first 13 or so years. They even furnished it much the way it had been in the 70s, only with modern electronics and appliances. My folks would really never buy it back, of course, because of the climate and the size of the house and the work the yard would bring. Even if they had money to hire someone else to maintain it, they wouldn’t need a 4-bedroom house.

Anyway, they bought the house back and had a little family reunion. One in which I would never care to join, much less without my husband, and even though it was summer. It started with just my folks, sister and myself. It was evening. I guess Tammy stayed indoors, but for some bizarre reason, my folks decided to watch TV out in the far reaches of the backyard while I laid sort of in the middle of it, sprawled out on my back with my iPod. I was by the farthest point of the fence that was once there surrounding the above-ground pool they had for a while.

At one point I turned off the iPod and called out, “Hey, it’s getting nippy out here. Shall we go in now?”

No answer.

So I called out “Hey” again. When I still didn’t receive an answer I thought I saw a glow coming from up a little hill where there was a small clearing in which my swings were kept. But when I went up there to check it out I could see that the glow was nothing more than the sliver of moonlight reflecting off the leaves of the trees.

So back down I went. It was now pitch black. The dim lights I thought were on before appeared to have been turned off inside the house. Suddenly, I felt a rush of movement behind me and then blacked out completely.

When I came to, I was on the living room couch. I slowly sat up and realized right away that I had a splitting headache. I stood up all confused and walked around the main floor calling out to the others, but no one answered. Then I went upstairs, first stopping at the drama queen’s room in front of the house. She had apparently fallen asleep. I thought it was a little weird since it was a bit early, she’d left her light on and the door open a few inches. Next, I peered into my parents’ room. They’d fallen asleep with the TV on, and as they always did in real life, had left the door open, so that wasn’t too odd other than the early hour.

Still confused and disoriented, I turned away from their door and ended up peering into the meanest, hateful icy light blue eyes ever. Once considered handsome in his younger days, time and age couldn’t hide the utter coldness of my now much older Uncle Ronnie’s familiar glare. I never knew the nature of his coldness in real life, but my dream self suddenly understood that he, along with my brother Larry who had also suddenly appeared, had killed my folks and Tammy.

And now they wanted to kill me.

My confusion turned to rage knowing that my disorientation would render me defenseless against these now older guys. Guys who still smoked and didn’t exercise. Guys who my fast, fit, stronger and younger self could now take easily enough under normal circumstances, especially Ronnie, who was pushing 70.

I alternated between cussing them out and asking what the hell they were doing and why, and then it also hit me that they thought they’d left me for dead when they snuck up behind me, bonked me on the head, and threw me on the couch.

Then Larry got hit with a pinch of guilt, saying he wasn’t sure he could “take care of his little sister.” He even suggested they just leave me be and agree to share the money with me. That’s when the ‘why’ hit me as well. They were killing everyone so they could sell the house and not have to share the money with anyone but themselves.

My uncle argued that I would certainly talk as the pain in my head grew worse and I was beginning to feel as if I might faint. He shoved me toward my old room, adjacent to the master bedroom, and told Larry, “Go downstairs. Little Jodi won’t be alive much longer, I assure you, and then we won’t have to worry. Just get the car started and wait for me.”

I was then pushed up against my little twin bed and smashed a second time over the head with some blunt object Ronnie had been holding. I fell onto the bed as he ran down the stairs and out the front door. I faintly heard the car drive off a few seconds later through the buzzing sound the blow had caused.

I suddenly sat up on the edge of the bed, perhaps by some sort of reflex. I stared into the gloomy hall, but everything was so hazy and now my head was in excruciating pain. I didn’t hold out any hope, though. I knew I only had a matter of seconds to go before I died. I felt sad and defeated and my final thoughts were of Tom. I wondered how he’d take the news back in Cali of my murder, and thought of how lonely he’d be living his last 30-40 years alone. I realized I wouldn’t get to say goodbye and that we’d never again be able to do the things we loved to do together, nor would I ever again be able to enjoy things I liked to do on my own.

I woke up after just 4 hours of sleep right as I fell back on the bed for the last time. Then I ended up wanting to kill them myself for real cuz I couldn’t fall back asleep! I ended up laying there for a few hours, then once I got up, ate and showered, I felt a little more alive.

Speaking of my folks, who are still alive and well as far as I know, I’ve decided to send them several sheets of pictures at once, rather than 1-2 at a time. This way I won’t lose track of what’s already been sent. I’m not going to send anything till it gets close to Dad’s 78th birthday, though, in early April.

As for the sister, sure, I sometimes miss her. I miss the good times, the laughs, the chatter, and the big badass drama queen who was never afraid to speak her mind even if it meant being brutally honest (so at least we have one thing in common). But then I remind myself that that brutal, badass drama queen, defended the husband who abused her and her daughter when her sister informed him of just what she’d like to do to him for it, then gave him our whereabouts so the cops could pay us a visit, thus resulting in the discovery of the bench warrant and me losing an awful lot of time, money and freedom. I won’t bother getting into the physical and emotional toll it all ended up taking on me. And my husband. She couldn’t have known about the warrant any more than we could, but what kind of normal, sane, reasonable, logical person defends the wrong person like that? I still wonder about this. I just don’t get how the hell she could turn on me like she did. I wasn’t the one abusing her!

While I was still freaked out by the realness of the dream – it really did seem incredibly real – Tom was assuring me that we’d never separate for days or thousands of miles. He got that one right! I remember how depressed I felt when we thought he was going to have to go on that overnight business trip up in Oregon. It felt like he was leaving for weeks, and I tried to tell myself to get a grip. I’d lived alone nearly a decade, after all, before we met. But he felt the same way and so we were glad he got to get out of it.

Jessie said she can’t use the anti-barking device against the neighbor’s dogs because the 8’ wall between them would interfere with the frequency. I asked if it could be put on her roof. I worry about it working for us with the curve of the mountain, distance and trees, but Tom’s sure it will. We just may have to plant it partway up the mountain where the stand of trees starts so that it’s closer to their level.

Tom says he’s going to mention the dogs to Jesse if he’s not rushed off the phone when he goes to call about splitting the rent again. This I have to see to believe, but I have a feeling Jesse will say there’s nothing he can do about it, which would really mean there’s nothing he will do about it. Dogs can be left indoors while their owners work full-time, which he obviously does not, so they don’t have to be outside. If the purpose of them is to protect the place, since I don’t see any other purpose in getting dogs just to store outdoors all the time, wouldn’t it be better to do it from the inside anyway? Outside, burglars could just move out of reach of the dogs unless they were on runners that surrounded the entire place, but on the inside, there’d be no way to tell exactly where they were.

They haven’t been too bad the last couple of days, but this is because I’m still on nights and trying to keep it that way.

Damn, why don’t I just have a toilet for an office chair! I can’t stop pissing!

Yes! Emilie has a bid! That was much faster than anticipated. She also has 40 views and 11 watchers.

I got the incense I won yesterday along with some surprise goodies he threw in. Another shiny, glittery cone burner, not that I need one since I don’t do cones. A bag of Polo cones I didn’t like at all, plus 3 roll-on perfumes. Lucky You is strange, Curve is so-so, but Carolina Herrera is beautiful. It smells like gardenias.

I got slight vibes for work for Tom within the first two weeks of March. Something about the 12th and 14th, only the 14th is on a Saturday. Hmm… guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

I won 6 writing contests on Kiwibox! So that brought a nice 1200 points.

So Tom agrees with me that the barking seems to be much more of an issue when I happen to be up and about. Good, so I’m not going crazy after all with this assumption. The question I’ve been asking for the last 17 years, though, is why me? Just like I had to ask why God would whip my ass with the sickos in Phoenix, why has He been using every damn dog I live close enough to hear as a weapon of annoyance against me??? Something sure seems to be anyway. If He’s “cursed” me with barking, why would He punish me with other people’s dogs driving me crazy like this and for so long???

I’ve thought about it and I’ve thought about it, and the only thing I can come up with is that when I was really little, I would take my frustrations out on one of the puppies we had at the time. But a child that age can’t inflict much harm, so the “torture” basically involved tossing it up in the middle of my parents’ bed and letting it fall onto it, although I do vaguely remember my mother saying something about me breaking its leg. I don’t remember actually doing anything to the dog and this could be a made-up story told to me or me not remembering correctly. If I did do any of this, I was too young to know any better much less remember.

I admit it. I often took my anger out on this dog as well as some of our pet rodents, even pulling the tail off a gerbil once that my sister said I supposedly asked to be taped back on.

Or maybe these were just stories told to me by my gaslighting family because I honestly don’t remember either of these incidents. I hope they’re not true!

But if there is a grain of truth to any of this and if this is why I’m being “paid back” by every neighbor’s dog over the last 17 years, why now? Why would it start when I was 26? And why would it still be going on today? And why isn’t 17 years of payback more than enough?

Or is it because I was noisy myself when I was young, often annoying neighbors when I lived in apartments with my loud music or running around? And if this is it, once again, how many more years until I’m “compensated” for being a nuisance?

I guess I can never know for sure why I “coincidentally,” as much as the West truly is full of barking dogs left outside all the time, get hit with this shit everywhere I go. If it is the way I treated animals as a child, then maybe God should’ve blessed that child with a mommy who was nicer to her. After all, verbal, emotional, or physical abuse is usually what drives children to abuse animals, other children, etc., and she may not have been directly responsible for my actions, but I think she helped influence them more than most people may want to ever admit. Including her.

Whatever the reason for the curse, it’s undeniably aimed at me. Two mornings ago they started barking at 7:00. A half-hour later I was going to bed thinking it was a good thing Tom doesn’t mind barking as much as I do cuz he’s in for one hell of a noisy day! Yet when he got up a few hours later, he said it was quiet all day. I know they would’ve gone on and on all day had I just been getting up.

Then just yesterday, all was quiet until I got up to pee around noon. The instant my ass hit the toilet seat the motorcycle started up, followed by barking. I then went back to bed where the fan and sound machine drowns it all out. When I got up in the evening, I asked Tom how bad it had been and he said, “They stopped the instant you closed the bedroom door.”

Gee, how ironic!

So I’m staying on nights as long as possible when I’m safe from this curse and able to get a lot more peace. Although, it does mean being woken up by the fucking motorcycle. That thing is just soooooo loud and there’s just no way to drown it out completely. I guess I could keep turning the sound machine up, but I still don’t know if that’d override the bassy rumbling it makes. Either way, there’s always something. Barking dogs when I’m on days, roaring motorcycles waking me up when I’m on nights, trying to sleep during the day.

Is something trying to keep us from the added protection and good fortune that having a horseshoe over our door can bring? It’s sure starting to feel that way! First I got outbid, and now, thanks to Pay Pal screwing up, the one we bought was sent to Carmichael. We only lost 85¢, but it really sucks that no matter how many times we delete the fucking Carmichael and Klamath addresses from Pay Pal’s account info, they keep using it! I checked with the Stickman, and fortunately, he did send the incense I won to Auburn. Of course, if the damn seller had checked their messages more often, they’d have caught our request to change the address, so now I don’t know what’s going to happen at this point.

Glinda has 13 watchers now and one of the coins got a bid. I wish I could be around for the exciting conclusion tomorrow afternoon, but no, I have to be cursed with a sleep disorder which means I’ll be asleep at that time. I’m on nights now. The good in it is that it means less barking to have to deal with.

Tom was telling me about someone with a sleep disorder that killed them and that makes mine seem like a blessing in comparison as hard as it is to live with. I forgot to write about this long ago, but back up in Oregon, Tom not only worked with a guy whose mother had the same kind of sleep disorder I do (how could she raise a child with it?) but this guy’s wife was killed by hers. She had this disorder that would cause her to spontaneously fall asleep at any given time. I said, “Wow, how can anyone do that?” and Tom said, “Well, it’s hard to understand just like people don’t understand yours.” Anyway, a doctor gave her a medication that they assured her would keep her from falling asleep at the wheel, yet one day she was driving, fell asleep, her car drifted off the side of the road, and she died.

Why do people put so much faith in doctors, lawyers, cops and religious leaders? So many of them are so damn incompetent, corrupt and even downright insane!

Anyway, I wonder if Dr. Donoghue had that (that shrink I saw at his home back in the late 80s). He would often fall asleep in his plush chair as I was talking. I didn’t think I was that boring! I wrote it off as being old and ill. Perhaps even a side effect of a medication. He died shortly after I started seeing him.

Anyway, all but 3 of our 9 items have watchers as of right now, and 4 have bids. I’d say there’s going to be at least somewhat of a fight for the doll in the end. If she sells for $50, I’ll have gotten what I paid for her, excluding shipping. She’s gotten 117 views so far whereas a couple of his coins only have two.

I had a really scary dream last night about those you-know-whats that tormented me for 7 years. First, though, I had been commenting to Tom on how I always have win dreams right before I win something good, and dreams or vibes about an upcoming change. But since I hadn’t had any win/job dreams, I was worried that meant that change was not in the near future for us. But then I dreamt that someone was asking me if he was still working at the warehouse and I said, “No, he got a job at…” Then I woke up before I could say where. I hope this is a good sign!

And I hope this next dream is anything but a bad sign! It’s worse than my usual two nightmares (being stuck in motels or dealing with giant spiders that can fly). Yup, it was them. In the dream, a cop came to arrest me. I guess the pig woke me up (they usually did), but what was odd about it was my calm demeanor. My dream self knew it was Joely and Jerry up to their old tricks. I knew they either twisted something I wrote online in their favor or that someone did something to them and they decided I should pay for it. Well, I’d be anything but calm if they decided to ever fuck with me again! And I would seriously hope that no one would want to spite someone that bad that they’d risk their own safety and even their lives just to do it, cuz I swear round two wouldn’t end as round one did! Not even close. I’m not going to get into what I’d do. I’ll only say they’d have to be utterly suicidal to seek me out after all these years. Really suicidal. And stupid!

Back to the dream. The cop waited for me to dress in the doorway to the bedroom which didn’t look anything like this one. Yet it seemed to take me forever just to get dressed. I struggled to pull my panties on (which was weird since that’s the one thing I always sleep in) yet I just couldn’t get them up my legs. Then I became embarrassed when the cop was not only watching me struggle to pull them up, but my period was starting too, which kind of made for a rather ugly site. When I finally got them on, the cop turned to talk to Tom for a minute and I lay down on the bed and started to fall asleep. I then shook myself awake an instant later and thought to myself, you can’t go to bed now! What are you, crazy? You need to get up and get moving and deal with this shit.

I rose from the bed and then began the struggle to get on a pair of royal blue sweatpants I haven’t owned in years, and then I woke up.

I know I’m just being paranoid, but remembering how obsessed they were with me still worries me to this day. I’ve lived in the fear that they’ll one day find me and start the same old cycle of shit all over again. No, it still wouldn’t end the same way because I’ve learned a lot about the law and wouldn’t answer their court calls, but saying I’d kill them if they came to my door may be a lot easier said than done. Like they themselves would be the ones to come to my door? What kind of death-wishing nutjob would dare do such a thing? Chances are almost guaranteed that I’d never be able to find them. I’ll bet I couldn’t find them right now. Hell, if I screwed someone over the way they screwed me just once, you bet I’d be hiding really well! And no matter how low I managed to fly below the radar, I’d still be looking over my shoulder every step of the way.

I tell myself, calm down. You haven’t done anything wrong. But I know that one doesn’t necessarily have to do anything, or much of anything, when it comes to minorities and the state of Arizona. They hated me for being Jewish. They hated me for complaining about the noise and harassment they were dishing upon us. They took my journal excerpts and twisted them in their favor. They, or someone else they were fucking with, sent them a threatening letter that their corrupt pig pal thrust into my hands during interrogation so as to get my prints on them. Then I was shown more “evidence” I’d never seen or heard of just minutes prior to sentencing. Now I may not have gotten a life sentence for some murder I never committed, but I still got shit on bad enough as I’m sure most would agree. And when you’re prone to having dream premonitions, dreams like this can be rather unnerving. I know not all my dreams come true, but with technology as advanced as it is today, it wouldn’t be hard to set someone up, especially with the help of a cop who could find me in a heartbeat. He could trace my whereabouts through mine or Tom’s social, or our ISP at social networking or other sites I’m a member of. All he has to do is claim it’s police business and the site managers and or owners would hand over our ISP, thus leading to our address, no questions asked. But to dump my online life would be letting them take even more from me and so I won’t do it. I would rather put myself at risk than let them win some more.

I keep thinking about this girl who once told me that the kind of obsession and hatred they harbored toward me doesn’t exactly die easy and that they’d be just as obsessed with me in 5 years as they would be in 10 as they would be in 20, but Tom said that the passage of time means a lot in my favor.

Still, I wonder about the strange emails I sometimes get. I guess they could just be new scams. Most scams are the same old, same old, but there are some new twists that I sometimes wonder about. The only difference is that I’m the big one to delete and ignore them as soon as I see what it is, for I know no one can make me read anything I don’t want to read. I don’t need to run crying to the police like a child runs to his mother whenever someone does something he doesn’t like. I know words can never hurt me and that until and if someone actually harms me or abuses me again through the legal system, I am okay.

The only other thing I’ll say about these sick twists in this entry is this: Joely, Jerry, if you’re reading this somehow, and if you dare walk back into my life be it in person or through the law, you WILL be sorry. You can take that as a threat, you can take it as a warning, you can cry racism, you can bash me in print, but you will NOT, under any circumstances ruin or seize control of my life as you did from March of 1996 till June of 2003. I will NEVER again be your victim for to try to victimize me yet again would only be victimizing your own selves. Would I be worth it?

I was going to update on Kiwi every 50 pages I wrote in Word since that’s the most I can paste in, but then I decided to post by the month. I rarely have more than 50 pages a month of journaling set on the Verdana font at point 10 like I use in my word processor anyway. I have 23 pages so far this month. I just posted the rest of January and will post February’s entries in a week.

We had a few days of sunshine, but now the rain’s back. It’s raining right now as a matter of fact. I love the sound of it, but I’m also ready for summer! Amazingly enough and even though it’s now 4 AM, the heat hasn’t come on. The cloud coverage helps keep it warmer. Oops, I jinxed it! It just came on. Oh well. That was still quite a long time and will certainly save us on propane.

Nothing heavy as far as barking goes, but I’m sure that’ll change when I get back on days.

I don’t think I’m going to lose more weight from the looks of it. I stopped losing a while back. I could continue on if I ate under 1000 calories day after day, week after week, but I just can’t do that. Or I don’t want to lose more weight bad enough to be that hungry. So I guess I’m going to remain 22 pounds overweight at 132 pounds. This is pretty much as low as I’ve been able to go for the last 6 years or so.

I returned to running in quick segments, rather than all together. This way I don’t get all sweaty and it’s easier on my joints.

My God, how did this entry get to be so long?! About 3 pages of text. Guess I had to get the nightmare off my chest. As always, it feels good to vent.


And the eBay results are in! The doll only got the one bid, despite all the watchers. I’m pretty sure most of the watchers have dolls of their own they want to sell but want to watch others that are selling to see what price to set them at.

The shoes and 3 different toys we had up didn’t sell, but all the coins went as did the books. They’re going all over the country – New Hampshire, Georgia, Missouri, Washington, and then Glinda will get to stay in Cali. She’s going to a place called Acampo. It’s down in the Stockton area.

Earlier we put up the Emilie doll, plus a red beaded cocktail dress with red strappy heels. Almost instantly, the fashion got a bid! There are 2 watchers on the fashion and 4 on the doll which is already up to 25 views.

No more nightmares about the freeloaders. I realize that I’ll probably have scattered nightmares pertaining to them for the rest of my life as that’s the kind of thing that can really leave a person scarred, along with things like my childhood and what happened at the motel. Meanwhile, I know that had they actually planned to pull another fast one on me when I had the dream, they’d have already tried. A pig would’ve come by with some story or I’d have gotten a summons. Even if they did, though, I know not to acknowledge pigs and I know how to ignore a summons. As I learned the hard way, as long as I don’t play into the hands of sickos like these, the safer I’ll be. But it’s easy to walk into certain traps before you gain experience and knowledge enough to know better and that’s what happened to me. What you don’t know really can hurt you and people will gladly take advantage of it, too.

Got a letter from Mary. It was very short and she didn’t say when her trial date was, but I guess it’s still on for March. All she basically had to say was to hang in there.

She’s right in that Tom is a HUGE blessing. He’s the only one who’s truly loved and accepted me as I am, but boy have we been anything but blessed for the most part. I have to laugh when I remember someone saying that “hopefully the happy newlyweds will be blessed” back in ’94.

Blessed? Blessed?! Yeah, God blessed us all alright. Financial problems, neighbor problems, sex problems, fertility problems, and of course we lost our home and two properties. The sex problems may’ve been a normal part of aging and the fertility problems turned out to be a good thing, but we were anything but blessed overall. And when I think of the future, I believe we’ll continue to struggle financially and that we’ll never have a home of our own. I used to wish and hope that we’d be compensated for all our tough times, but I’m still waiting and it hasn’t happened yet.

Tom, on the other hand, thinks that the economy going to hell is just as much of a favor for us in the end because housing prices have come down so far. He believes we’ll be able to buy a home in a retirement community when he’s 55 (he’ll be 52 in June). I hope he’s right, but like I said, it’s hard to keep up the faith after all the years of BS, know what I mean? I don’t mean to sound so sad and negative; I’m just going by our track record. He agrees that while there are no guarantees in life, things do look like they’re going to line up and fall into place nicely for us when he happens to be retirement community age, plus getting his $200 a month AMEX pension in a few years. Also, our credit will be sparkling clean by then. If an unexpected win came up before then or he unexpectedly got a damn good-paying job, we may buy rural land somewhere, but that’s not as likely. Besides, I think I may like a retirement community better. Okay, so they’d be tooth houses, as I call them, but there wouldn’t be sonic booms, gunshots, loose dogs, dogs left outside barking all the time, or screaming kids. As for whether or not we’ll get a bigger place to rent in the meantime is unknown. It’d have to be a hell of a deal because while I hate being cramped in here and would like an extra room, an extra half-bath, mail delivered to the house, regular trash service, a dishwasher, a washer/dryer hookup, and a cooler with a thermostat, I don’t want to trade in seclusion, barking and motorcycles for little to no privacy, 20 dogs instead of 2, then take back on the car stereos and wild kids, as well as utility bills. Here we only pay for propane, plus the phone and internet package. Lastly, the rent is lower than in most other places, though rents are dropping, too.

If I could somehow magically know – if I were that psychic – that yes, we’d be cramped in here for a few years, but would own a place of our own after that, man, I’d go ballistic with joy! I’d be crying such tears of happiness that I’d be practically blind for days. I wouldn’t sleep for days either cuz I’d be so excited. But in the end, there are no guarantees, like I said before. Maybe we’ll always be poor and renting old little dumps from others. Or maybe a meteorite will crash into our heads. Or maybe we really will “go home” someday. What state, if we do, is unknown. We may either stay in NorCal, drop down to the SoCal desert, or maybe even hit NV or Florida.

For now, I’m just glad we’re not as broke as we were in the motel and that things aren’t nearly as stressful. Man, had this happened then we’d be totally doomed! It’s scary to think just how many times we’ve barely skirted disaster. Like we’re being teased with our survival or something.

I said to Tom that I’d hate to not get another chance to do things right now that we’ve smartened up about money, and as he pointed out, we kind of did. We did, after all, quit spending before he got laid off, which helped get us through the times when his paychecks were less as they started cutting his hours.

Tom’s read contradicting reports on the extra $25 we’re supposed to get. One report says an extra $25 a week, and another says an extra $25 a month. So who knows which one it will be and when it will start?

As for the dogs, Tom said Jesse took off on the motorcycle around 10:00 and that they only barked for 5 minutes after he left, but that was it during the 4 hours he was gone. Gee, someone must’ve been asleep at that time! I know if I’d been up it would’ve been a lot more than just 5 minutes. I heard the 6:00 fit for a few minutes, but that was it since I didn’t get up till late in the afternoon.

I got outbid on the horseshoe, so Tom used the credit toward a buy-it-now here in Cali selling a couple for a buck. The only problem is that Tom accidentally had it sent to Carmichael, not realizing our last two addresses were still in our account. He contacted the seller about it, so hopefully they haven’t shipped them yet.

In better eBay news, the doll has a bid! She and the books do, but nothing else yet. They’ve still got a few days to go so hopefully the other things will get bids and Glinda will get some competition with additional bids.

When I took some face shots of the dolls I was amazed at the clarity and just how good this camera is! So I went and deleted a bunch of old doll pictures from my files taken with old cameras and will re-shoot them soon with this one.

We’re both back to dieting after getting our fudge fix out of the way yesterday. He’s having nothing but Slim Fast shakes and is hungry as hell. And tired. I’m 132 pounds and have decided I’m going to make sure I get into the 120s, for once and for all, within a week.

My ear and teeth are bothering me today and I’m not any closer to being insured than I was months ago. I still don’t think I’m going to get insurance till I’m 65. Most jobs don’t offer insurance these days and the few that still do want a fortune for it. The only good news is that Tom’s research says they’ll extend the unemployment till January of next year. He doesn’t think it’s remotely possible that he’d not be able to get work by then. We’d have to be beyond cursed or this country would really have to go to hell for that to happen, that’s for sure! I just hope the horseshoes, assuming we get them, helps bring us some luck. The one in Oregon sure seemed to.

To my surprise, there were only two quick barking sprees today. I was surprised because it was the sunniest it’s been in days. It got up to 80º in here. I thought Jesse would want to roar out on the motorcycle the first chance he got, but we never even heard that today. He was out for a while at 6:00 (to bring his kid home?) but that’s the only barking fit I heard. The other one was around 10:00 before I got up. Tom said it sounded further away and wasn’t sure if it was Jesse’s dogs.

I was thinking of my mother and how she brought up the subject of me working and didn’t admit to getting the letter I sent explaining my sleep disorder after I said I already did explain it in the letter and didn’t they get it? It was Dad who finally admitted they got it. What was she going to do, keep me thinking they never got it? It’s things like this that make me wary of keeping in touch. It also cancels out the occasional times I wish I was there to help out however I could. They have plenty of others who could help them anyway. Still, I wonder if I’m doing the right thing by keeping in touch. I guess I’ll just keep my letters to a minimum and I’ll let them do the calling, which I don’t expect to be very often. If she gets too judgmental or pushy I can always ignore her. Unless I’m stuck living with a pack of freeloaders who won’t let me ignore them, ignoring people I clash with has always worked for me. That’s why I’m still not in touch with Larry or Tammy.

I deleted the ‘Random Ramblings’ journal on Kiwi. I decided to just use Kiwi as a place to back up stuff rather than for day-to-day journaling. I can usually put 50 pages worth of text in one entry, so every 50 pages I accumulate in my word processor, I’ll throw in as an entry. So about every 6 weeks, I’ll do an entry. The thing is I’m just not into the social scene lately and would prefer to do my day-to-day journaling at MD which isn’t a social site. So I’ll just use Kiwi as a backup and for other fun stuff. I still love all the colors and the fun games there. And the prizes, of course.

Just one outburst from the dogs around 5:00, but nothing else because it’s been raining like crazy the last few days, keeping it nice and quiet for the most part. I think Jesse’s being home helps, too. Like I said, it’s gotten to the point where as long as he’s not home, those dogs will never stop barking. They’d bark round the clock day after day if he took off for days (I’d kill them for damn sure!). I really hope they won’t be so bad when the weather warms up, but if they are, I hope we’ll have the stop-barking device in place by then.

Jessie sent a message. She’s just as pissed at the way this country continues to let all the fucking foreigners come over and hog all the jobs. Just be glad you still have your job, I told her, and a home of your own.

I think it’s rained more in the last couple of months than in all the time since I’ve been out west! As soon as the sun set, the frogs were croaking up a storm.

I got some perfume samples in the mail today, a coupon for a free bottle of Dr. Pepper, which is so-so, and the mind-teaser cube and CD I expected from Kiwi. They also enclosed a bar of soap that smells like lavender which was nice of them. Lastly, a couple of cards that I can fill out my username on and give to people for them to sign up. If they do, I get 200 extra points. Well, I don’t know anyone to give them to, so perhaps I’ll stuff them in no-postage-necessary envelopes!

I dropped 5 pounds in 3 days but took the day off today. I’m stuffed right now. Not a feeling I like much better than being hungry. I wish I could always be neither. Then losing weight would be a cinch!

The Glinda doll has 9 watchers and it’s hard to believe that at least one of them isn’t seriously considering bidding, but we’ll see. This is a lot more watchers than the last dolls had, and much sooner, too.

I awoke at 134 pounds today and am aiming for 133 pounds tomorrow. That is if I can keep food out of my mouth for the rest of the day and night.

After a wonderfully bark-free day yesterday, the dogs have finally started back up. I’m just glad they waited till late afternoon as opposed to early morning and that they haven’t been going non-stop.

Yesterday turned out to be one of the worst barking days ever. It totally sucked! Jesse didn’t come back on the motorcycle till 4:00, so the dogs just took an unusually long break in between barking fits and it wasn’t a case of him returning while I had the headphones on. They don’t normally go more than 10-15 minutes without barking, but because they’d already been at it for hours they were probably tired.

He actually roared back around 4:00, then turned around and left in the truck and we had to deal with yet another barking spree, this one for 4 hours! So we ended up having to listen to this shit on and off for 12 hours! I almost felt like we were back in the city again. We didn’t have to listen to stereos, slamming doors or screaming kids, but the only way I could stand it was to drown them out with the sound machine or blasting music. There was no hope of getting the peace and quiet we came here for till he finally came back for good and by then I was almost ready to crash.

I called up there a couple of times just to make sure no one was home as we suspected and that they weren’t just sitting around and letting them go crazy, but no, no one was home.

I wish he’d get a roommate that was always home! Better yet I wish he’d come down here! I’d really like to have a word with him about this shit. It’s weird that after spending 4 months hoping he wouldn’t come down and bug me or wake me up, I’m now wishing he would come down here. And it’s also weird that except for Kim, I spent so many years living for the moment when our neighbors would take off, and now it’s the other way around. I dread it when he leaves!

Today it’s been quiet so far, but I can’t deal with this shit much longer. If I don’t lose it first and kill them, then we need to either let him know what’s going on or hope to have an extra $80 real soon to get that anti-barking device. I had told Tom I was worried that the device wouldn’t work, but he said that if it can detect barking down here, then the dogs could hear the frequency it puts out up there, which I guess is something that’s supposed to annoy them as much as fingernails scraping against a chalkboard annoys people.

I swear, though, you can run, but you can’t hide from the barking if you live in the West! Or if you’re Tom & Jodi S.

Tom removed the chicken wire I had wrapped around the rat’s cage. They’re definitely too big to get out of it, so there was no point in keeping it there and having its ends poke me and snag my clothes.

I had $1.75 in auction credit that I won many months ago, and so I bid $1.50 on an old used horseshoe to put above the door for good luck. The one we had in Oregon sure kept us from disaster. It didn’t keep us from being annoyed with all the noise in the area, but it kept bad things from happening, so hopefully I’ll win this one and it will keep us safe. It still has a few days to go.

We’re also listing 9 things today. A basic Tonner doll, a board game, a Superman action figure, a trio of books by the same author, some coins, a talking interactive figure from the Ice Age movie, a pair of shoes, and something else I’m forgetting. If this Tonner doll sells – and I can’t believe it wouldn’t at just $29, lousy economy or not – then we’ll list about 6 others.

Yesterday I only had a 60-calorie yogurt and one TV dinner. I had Marie Callender’s beef tips, potatoes and green beans that was on sale. Not eating for so long really makes your food seem tastier. Even the green beans were good!

Today I got up at 9:00, had yogurt at 2:00, and will have my one and only meal of the day at 6:00 which will be chicken nuggets. Knowing I have that to look forward to helps.

I dropped back down two pounds to 135 pounds, and hope to be 133 tomorrow. Maybe I’ll do this for a few days each week. I haven’t decided yet. I just want to get into the 120s once and for all!

The stimulus plan they just passed says we’re going to be getting an extra $25 a week, but who knows when it’ll actually kick in?


I’m listening to quite a frogfest going on out there right now. If only I could see dogs the way I see frogs! The frogs croaking up a storm isn’t the least bit annoying to me. Today we were compensated for yesterday’s barking, though, so that’s nice. I never heard a single bark all day. I wish it could be like this every day!

We ended up with 9 listings on eBay, 3 of which are coins. We couldn’t list the watch just yet because it needs a battery, but we’ve listed the doll (Glinda), the action figure, the Ice Age toy, the board game, a trilogy of books, and the shoes. In less than 3 hours the doll had 4 watchers, but we’ve learned not to get our hopes up by watchers. Nothing matters unless someone actually makes a bid!

The pain is gone. That’s the pain I sometimes get for a few days in my lower right side. I still don’t know if it’s some sort of cyst on my ovary that flares up every so often, or if it’s the start of a UT infection. All I know is that cranberry juice helps it and that’s what you’re supposed to drink when a UT infection comes on. If it’s that, though, then why does it always occur about 10 days after my period?

I not only got cran-strawberry juice yesterday at the store but also pineapple soda, something I’ve never had before.

I’ve been up for 7 hours and haven’t eaten yet. I’m trying to go all day without eating because I slacked off my diet and gained a pound a day for 6 days. This means I’m 137 pounds. Yikes!

The dogs didn’t end up being too bad yesterday. Just a couple of quick barking sprees. Today, however, was awful. Jesse obviously left in the truck and they went on a two-hour barking spree at that point. Then he came back and went out on the motorcycle. They barked right after he left, but he must’ve returned rather fast and while I had the headphones on because the barking didn’t go on much after that.

If only – if only – these dogs didn’t exist! The place would be dead quiet all the time if only someone would shoot the fuckers! Then again, I’d rather get the stop-barking thing as soon as we can afford it because if someone killed these dogs, he’d just go out and get two more to throw outside all the time. He doesn’t care about those around him, only that his place is “protected.” I just worry that the de-barker won’t work well or at all.

Fortunately, Jesse hasn’t left yet today, so it’s still quiet. Someone must’ve come to see him earlier, though, cuz there were fresh tracks in the mud at the start of the drive that we could see when we went out earlier.

When I awoke at 6:00, I reached over, turned the sound machine off, and could clearly hear that it was raining. Then as it started getting light, I could then clearly see that the rain had turned to snow! Not funny. Not funny at all. Tom sure thought it was, though. It was coming down pretty hard too, in big fat flakes. We got a half-inch or so, maybe less. Fortunately, though, the dusting didn’t last long.

I took some pictures for my folks and Mary, plus some other ones later on after the snow melted. Fire season was already in and so the mountainside was brown when I took the first set of pictures shortly after we moved here, and so I wanted “winter pics” with the grassy areas all green and the leaves thinned, allowing for a better view of the far-off distance.

Sure enough, Jesse just left so now the dogs will be barking for who knows how many hours.

We picked up the mail, then went to the drug store for some incense. They have roll-on oil perfumes for $6 that are awesome, but I didn’t get any of those. We’re too broke to get too many unnecessary things.

Yahoo radio is back to limiting the monthly usage so now I’m experimenting with AOL’s radio. I love and hate it. I hate being only able to skip songs 5 times per hour per station, and I hate the commercials, but it’s opened me up to a whole new variety of music. The custom radio stations like what I used to have with Yahoo can really be limited as far as what they play.

I decided not to bother with a dream journal. A lot of the dreams are just too vague or too complicated to put into words very well, and by the time I’m awake enough to write, I can no longer remember much anyway.

I spoke to my folks this afternoon with the dogs going on and off in the background. They said they couldn’t hear the static that would intermittently come on the line.

Although both of them were on the line, Dad did most of the talking. Unless I’m reading her incorrectly, I sensed a hesitancy, even something else – anger? Resentment? – coming from my mother.

We talked about the weather, the economy, and things like that. Dad has to have cataract surgery soon. They spend most of the week going to doctors and the weekend at the store.

They just have one poodle now and no other animals. Everyone is well, they also say.

They commented on the pictures, and at one point Mom suggested I find work. I said, “I thought I explained in my last letter why that’s not so easy.” At first I wondered if maybe they didn’t get the letter I sent explaining it to them, but Dad said they did, even though Mom asked me to explain. At first I thought to myself, “Explain? I don’t think so! I don’t owe anyone any explanations. I am who I am and I know what’s going on with me and Tom knows too, and that’s all that matters.” But then I said, “Aw, give her a break. This is something that’s hard to comprehend without having experienced it firsthand. Even you wouldn’t get it if you didn’t have it and someone else was trying to explain it to you. It’s complicated.”

And so I sent a copy of an online article to them, along with some rat/mice pics. This is the best I can do, though, so if they still don’t get it – sorry! I tried.

Yesterday and the day before the dogs were wonderfully quiet. Never heard a thing. Yet when Tom was out combing through the shed he said he was almost sure they had been indoors because it sounded like they were running all of a sudden right before they started barking, as if Jesse let them out and then they ran to the edge of the hill when they heard him rummaging around. Whatever the case may be, they drove me crazy barking on and off for about 5 hours.

Another strange Stacey coincidence. Her picture is gone from the property management site. Hmmm…interesting. Could this be because of me? As was the case with disappearing from Facebook, this is a bit extreme, isn’t it? Could my message have gotten her in trouble or freaked her out that bad? I can’t believe I could be that scary any more than I can believe it got her in trouble, but I’ll never know. It’s still weird, alright.

I’m enjoying the last few hours of my Yahoo customized radio station which is going away. All good things really do come to an end. It’s kind of sad. Like losing an old friend. But my new “sweeping friend,” since I mostly have the radio on when I’m sweeping, will be a commercial-riddled, limited-skip radio that CBS will own until and if we ever have $13 a month for Rhapsody.

Bianca at Kiwi was nice enough to let me know that they’d send another mind teaser cube (better packaged this time), my CD, plus a little something extra for being patient. This is nice to know. I’d hate to have had nearly 15,000 points wasted.

As for our eBay plans, we’re going to list everything we think could possibly sell on eBay towards the end of next week after he’s had a chance to go through the crap in the shed. We agree that calling stores about the Tonners probably wouldn’t be a good idea with the economy being the way it is, so we’re going to list them as basics or nudes and then maybe list the outfits separately in case the outfits are the reason Tyler and Angelina didn’t sell.

I still worry that whatever’s up there that doesn’t want us having extra money isn’t going to let this new Tonner plan succeed, but we’ll see. The Apple keyboard sold for more than we expected. We expected $20, not $42. It’s on its way to D.C.

We have a new plan for the dogs, too. All was nice and peaceful till he zoomed out around 2:00, then sure enough, they barked in spurts till he came back. I don’t know exactly when that was since I crashed before he returned, but it couldn’t have been before 4:00.

I’m thinking it’s the puppy grown up to be no good, so to speak. When we first got here, one of the dogs was just a puppy. The last tenant’s shit probably prompted him to get another dog for security purposes. They didn’t just steal his motorcycle, they broke into his house and stole his gun.

Different dogs have different personalities, of course, and some bark more than others. Sure enough, and just as our shit luck would have it, the puppy obviously turned out to be quite a barker as clearly one of them is way worse than the other, and this didn’t start till a few months ago. So no, it’s not a case of which vehicle he leaves in. All he has to do is just leave, period, and off they go.

It used to be that one of those devices that emits a high-pitched sound that annoys dogs when they bark and shuts them up could only be used if there was nothing between you and the dogs. It had to be a straight shot with no trees or hills in the way. And you had to run outside with the remote every time they started barking to work the device manually.

Yesterday, however, Tom found a device that you mount outdoors, and as long as you’re within a certain distance, it doesn’t matter what’s in the way. As long as the device can hear the barking, the dogs can hear the frequency being put out. And you no longer need to run outside to operate it because now it has an automatic setting.

I thought we’d be too far and that the dogs were around 250’ away but when Tom checked, it looks more like it’s 150’ away. No wonder the fucking things are so obnoxious! At least to me, they are anyway. Tom’s more used to it having grown up in the west where it’s customary to throw your dogs outside 24/7. You really have to get up into the 400s footage-wise, if you’re like me, for it not to be so annoying.

The catch is that it’s $80 and it could be months before we have extra money. At first I insisted that Jesse should be the one to pay for it. After all, it’s his dogs we’re disciplining. But that’s just the problem. He wouldn’t want them disciplined. Remember? Their job is to protect the place (even though the likelihood of anyone coming by with bad intentions is next to nil) and to hell with anyone who may have to be stuck having to deal with all the racket.

So as long as whatever’s been cursing me with barking since 1992 doesn’t interfere, this looks pretty promising. We’d just have to keep it a secret and foot the expense ourselves. It may be worth it, though, in case we ever do decide to get our own dog someday. And we just might if all the rats in this state are going to suck. Also, if we get through this economy shit somehow, this isn’t the last place we’ll ever live where barking is an issue. Even if we end up in a retirement community, it’d be just our luck to end up next to someone who leaves their dogs outdoors at least a few hours each day like that nut at the duplex did, and I’m sure the front runners of the community wouldn’t do much about it other than maybe mention it to them. What could they do? Demand that they sell their house and get the hell out if they won’t get rid of the dog? All a retirement community would do would be to give us the convenience of city life without most of the city noise. We’d have regular trash and mail service and hopefully a place that was bigger and more modern. But car stereos and wild kids shouldn’t be an issue, and I would doubt they’d leave dogs outdoors around the clock. Car doors might be a bit annoying, depending on how often they have company.

Live the life you want, not the life you have. That’s no doubt what my folks wish they could do, but for different reasons than we wish we could. Dad had another heart attack! I received a letter yesterday from him. He said he was on his way to their flag store when he was hit with massive pain. He called Mom and she took him to the ER. He had to spend time in the hospital as they inserted a stent to open his arteries. The good news is that he’s now pain-free and feeling good. Still, he says the golden years “ain’t what they used to be.” Yeah, I know. That’s why I’m dreading growing old myself!

Thank God he didn’t get into an accident. I guess he pulled over when the pain hit and called Mom on a cell phone.

I was kind of surprised to learn they still have the store and haven’t been online in years because they didn’t use it enough and were tired of dealing with spam. They said the store keeps them active and that they’d retire when they can afford to. I can see where the store would keep them busy and fill their time. If you enjoy something, why not do it whether you can afford to quit or not, right?

They said I didn’t give them our number yet and that we could call them collect. As I told them, I wouldn’t call collect unless it was the emergency I hope we never face again. Besides, I thought they had a block on that. I’ll just try them directly from the landline after they’ve had time to read the letter I just wrote in which I also included pictures now that I know they can’t see them at Webshots (it was nice not to have to worry about size and quantity like I have to with Mary). I wanted to write first so we’d be more caught up on what’s going on with each other in advance so we wouldn’t have to spend as much time catching up the more expensive way. I told them the cell can’t be used indoors and that the landline has static at times, but that I’d call directly from that. I also let them know we usually keep the ringers off and that the landline has no voicemail, but they could leave messages on the cell.

He asked what the weather was like and said he hoped things were better for us, but as I had to tell him, Tom was still on unemployment and I was still dreaming of a legit home job that didn’t cost anything or require a schedule. I told them we had pawned and sold some things.

Sometimes I wish we could be there to cook and clean for them. My schedule, as I told them, would only permit me to help out at certain times, but Tom could be available when I couldn’t be, and he could drive them around when they got to the point where they couldn’t drive. I just wish I could help them like they helped us. But while we could certainly help out, we couldn’t work for them because they wouldn’t be able to afford to pay him and so he’d have to get work elsewhere. I still wouldn’t want to be in the mainstream while we were too young for a retirement community, and it would cost thousands of dollars to get there in the first place. We’d need internet access right away and a place to stay that wasn’t attached to anyone else that would allow rats. So it’s not an option, and I’m not sure Tom would like it there cuz of the humidity. I don’t like humidity either, but it’s got its good points, too. It sure is good for the skin and hair.

I got one of those sippy cups for kids so I can drink water while running.

Heard a couple of quick barking sprees yesterday and one today. It hit me that the people have to be able to hear the dogs that live on the other side of him because the dogs are at the side of his house. When I checked the satellite again, I saw that yes, they’d be clearly audible where they’re at.

If ever there was such a thing as a rat with an eating disorder, we got one!

I’m pissed off at Kiwi yet again. This one’s not their fault. Well, not totally. The mind teaser cube fell out of the envelope they mailed it in somewhere along the way. There was a tear in the middle of the envelope when we received it. But why they didn’t mail the damn thing in a bubble-lined envelope beats me. So now even more points have been wasted!

Tom just came in to say that something’s been stressing him out and upsetting his belly and he thinks it’s the idea of talking to Jesse about the dogs and the flooring. He thinks Jesse thought I was saying we’d give it to him. Like I told Tom, though, that’s definitely not the case. I made it clear to him that we wanted a discount on the rent if he was interested, and he agreed that if he was, we could discuss a discount.

As for the dogs, I agree that Jesse’s the sensitive type, like most guys. I can sense it and he can too, just from talking to him. But why should I sit and suffer the annoyance the dogs bring when they go off just because one’s sensitive and the other’s paranoid? “Well, you did go to jail once,” Tom pointed out, but as I myself pointed out, that was a totally different situation. This isn’t a pack of lazy freeloaders in a state that favors them. This is an individual we know. And sooner or later the economy is going to get better and Jesse’s going to return to work full-time in which case the barking will be a regular problem. Tom said he wanted to first concentrate on getting to where we didn’t have to pay some of the rent late and risk him hassling us if we brought up the dogs before then.

So I put my foot down and said that he could do what he wants as far as the flooring is concerned, but just as soon as we get caught up (if we live to get to that point) I’m either going to slip him a note like I should’ve months ago, or mention it to him if he comes down beforehand. I’m sick of giving in to him and dealing with noisy neighbors or their noisy dogs! It’s like he worries more about their sensitivity than my being annoyed. So he agreed this was an okay compromise. It better be okay cuz I’m not putting it off forever, and if we survive this shit long enough for him to get a job, I don’t think we’ll be able to move. Most rentals are outrageous and I still don’t know that I’d want to move even if we could afford it because most places are noisier than this. Yet it’s been noisy enough ever since late October or early November whenever Jesse’s taken off. I don’t think even the most sensitive of people would have a problem with the way I worded the letter I wanted to give him, and if they did, then they have a serious problem and they’re definitely not someone I’d want to live with or rent a place from. Also, and as I told Tom, we can’t let past experiences hold us back. If we suffer in silence, too afraid to speak up, then we let the blacks and Mexicans win. Well, I think they’ve won enough!

I want the peace we came here for. And I want it each and every day. Not just some days like has been the case for the last 4 months or so. I don’t mind a few barks a couple of times a day like we’ve had the last couple of days. But I’m sick of the 10-minute to 2-hour barking sprees that occur several times a day on the days that Jesse’s not around! No one should have to live with it either. Especially people out in the country. The reason we came here was to escape the city noise, so to have to sit and listen to dogs bark really defeats the whole purpose of coming out here. We escaped the car stereos, the slamming car doors, the screaming kids, and we were supposed to have escaped the barking dogs, too.

I saw this headline saying that forgiveness is good for the heart. LOL, I think I’ll keep the “bad” heart where some are concerned! Everybody has somebody they can’t forgive anyway. Andy can’t forgive me for a tape I know nothing about, I can’t forgive the queen bee down in Arizona for leaving us to survive or not to survive when we lost our land in Oregon, and I’m sure a certain little mooching off-brand could never forgive me for “stalking” her. Life is all about meeting people, dumping some, drifting from some, and then staying connected with some.

I ended up giving the peanuts to the rats. They hurt my teeth too much. What am I going to do when I’m not able to eat anything at all? I guess I’ll really lose more weight for sure! The peanuts were free and they are lousy diet food anyway, so it’s no big loss.

I think for now I’m going to just stick to running one mile a day which takes about 20 minutes at the pace I’m currently at. It may even be closer to a mile and a half. I added other exercises to the routine for my abs and arms.

I wish Tom would get a job! How many more months of this shit are we going to have to go through??? And how many more years do I have to wait for insurance??? I’m sick of him being here all the time, too. We get along fine as always, but he’s always here. When I’m up when he’s asleep I can get some alone time that way. It’s not that he smothers me or doesn’t give me any space. I just like having the place to myself at times, especially when I’m cleaning or redecorating. If only that damn program of his could’ve worked out better! That, or him retiring, would’ve made his being home all the time worth it. But currently, the program would take us a few years to get to where it could be our only job and we could afford insurance, not the few months he was hoping for. Whether or not it can be speeded up is unknown at this time. I still say we aren’t meant to have money. Period. And if we were, we’d have it by now.

I miss bits and pieces of my old life at times from both Oregon and Arizona when things were less stressful. I used to wake up each day and wonder, what will I win today? What surprises may come in the mail? And money and security weren’t such an issue. But now I get up and ask myself, what will go wrong today? Or what will we not be able to accomplish due to circumstances out of our control? What will get delayed?

Will we have a home and food to eat come March?

In last night’s dream, we were in what appeared to be a hotel rather than a motel because you had to get to the room from inside the building. The people next to us were noisy. I was worried about money. The only twist this time around was that we were having our mail delivered there. A guy handed us a piece of mail through a slot. I guess it was an invoice for a magazine I never ordered.

Maybe I should start a dream journal on Kiwi. I’ll start it on my word processor like with everything else but will post them there because Kiwi, unlike MD, lets me create multiple journals and this also serves as another backup besides Yahoo. Once I get a batch of dreams accumulated, maybe I’ll include them in my entries every so often on MD.

Speaking of Kiwi, they’re pissing me off again, saying they have no record of me putting in for another CD. So there goes another 10,700 points wasted. Them and their damn problems!

It’s cold and rainy again. Where we weren’t needing heat from around 10 AM to sometime after midnight, we’re back to needing it round the clock.

As for the dogs, I was up past noon yesterday, so of course they were noisy. Jesse took off right before 11:30 as he often does, but I had crashed before he got back which seems to usually be between 1:00-3:00. Will there ever be a place where Tom and Jodi don’t have to listen to other people’s dogs??? I made Tom promise to call Jesse on Monday about that and the flooring. I said, “Notice how there have been all kinds of delays with that now? Instead of bumping up our little chat because of this or because of that, let’s get it over with.”

Of course, it’s not his fault that he wasn’t home when he tried calling on Thursday when we paid the rest of the rent.

He said he would, but also that he thought about that and isn’t sure he can move them behind the house because of the people on the other side complaining about all the barking. I don’t remember this discussion, though he insists I was standing right there, but even if that’s the case, what does this mean? That we’ve got to be the ones to deal with the barking instead? I don’t think so! If he won’t do anything about it, then we’ll have to move yet again if we can ever afford to do so. If I gotta hear this shit anyway, I’d rather hear it in a 1000-square-foot place as opposed to 500.

Once again I’m dumping Donna. Maybe I should take my own advice about not forgiving people. After all, I did stop talking to her for a reason. We didn’t just drift apart.

In one of her messages with the usual slew of misspelled words and lousy grammar, she got upset over my referring to her as being a “paranoid bitch” at the Vista a few entries ago. Why publish something so harsh? she asked, and what do I mean I dumped her? She said she’d give me a chance to explain before she deleted me (how kind).

She’s going to delete me? Ouch, that hurts! LOL

Does she really not remember any of what happened? And does she not realize I haven’t used her last name and that no one she knows can read it unless she has them do so? If she considers being called a paranoid bitch harsh, then she must not have read much of my diary (as in a certain little hate-wielding freeloader who came to tear my life and my husband’s apart for 7 years along with those that helped her). What I called her is nothing in comparison! This is exactly why I have a disclaimer about not reading my damn diary in the first place if you’re the sensitive type.

I got to reflecting on her defensive and yes – paranoid – reaction to my diary, and that’s when I decided I’m not going to bother with this emotional nut. Or any others like her. I thought by now she’d have changed, but obviously she’s still the unstable, insecure person I remember her to be. The red flag went up as soon as she told me she lied about her age, playing it down from 45 to 43. Anyone who can be dishonest in this sort of way is no one I should associate with, even if it’s at a distance and online. If she can lie about her age, she can lie about anything. I don’t know why I bothered in the first place to contact her. Guess I was just having a moment of boredom that night.

No wonder she can’t get a guy. Between her personality and the fact that she’s aging and is so heavy, it’s no wonder. I can see where she’d be good working with the elderly, but she’s still always, always pissed off at someone and taking things too seriously or all wrong. One minute she’s kind and compassionate, the next she’s 1 taco short of a #4 combo.

I have enough shit going on in life right now more important than a basket case like her, so as I told her, delete me, ignore me, dump me, diss me, cut me loose, do whatever you want.

Aside from what’s got to be the shortest-lasting reunion of my life, the dolls didn’t sell. I’m so bummed too, and it really convinces me all the more that something up there is trying to hold us back financially. It doesn’t want us having any cushion or comfort of any kind! I can’t believe that all those people just wanted to sit back and watch!

Now we have to decide whether or not we can find someplace in person to take them or if we should lower the price even more. I know the economy is part of the problem and that people on eBay want you to practically give away your items before they’ll consider buying them, but I’m just so sick of this third-world bullshit! We may not live in a flooded hut with no electricity, but things are rough enough and there seems to be absolutely no end in sight! The thought of another 30-40 years of struggling just makes me want to drop dead right now right here on the spot!

Every day lately it seems that either nothing good happens or something bad happens. When is this cycle going to end???

We gave Jesse the rest of the rent yesterday, but Tom has yet to talk to him about the flooring and dogs because he wasn’t home. The dogs have been quieter lately, but only because Jesse’s been home more and I’ve been on nights. I’m rolling onto days now so things will change with that, and of course, if Jesse doesn’t do anything about them when he returns to work full-time, it will be noisy here during the daytime and we just may move.

The 120s are within my reach now! I can just barely reach out and brush the 9 in the number 129, and soon I will be there! I only ran 20 minutes today for the sake of my joints, but am doing good calorie-wise. Had around 1000 in the last few days. I think that hunger spell I had a while back was brought on by getting carried away right before that. When we binge we stretch our tummies out.

My bottom back molar is really bothering me now. How many more months before I can get to a dentist???

I forgot to say that I got an email from that lawyer review site saying that it could take up to 48 hours for my review to appear. Oh, and of course they won’t post anything that seems like a personal attack or that’s from an actual client.

In other words, they don’t want to hear the truth about Paul any more than the Bar Associate did.

No bids yet on the dolls which kinda sucks since the auction’s only got 11 more hours to go. Angelina’s got 5 watchers and 55 views, but still only 1 watcher and 40 views for Tyler. The watchers give me a little hope that at least Angelina will sell.

The dogs have been quiet for the last few days. Why should I be surprised? I’ve been sleeping during the daytime so of course they’ve been quiet!

Let’s see, I swapped a couple of messages with Donna, got accepted as Gloria’s friend, and finally made it down to 131 pounds.

The dolls still have no bids, but Angelina’s back up to 5 watchers so she should sell, but I don’t know about Tyler.

We’ll be getting about $25 in free food and drink tomorrow with the round of coupons I won. Crackers, peanuts, cheese, juice, that sort of thing.

New possibilities have passed through my mind where the blacks were concerned. Maybe the pig didn’t type the threatening letter after all. Maybe someone else sent it to them and they automatically assumed it was me.

Could be. Anything is possible. Maybe the sickos themselves typed and sent it. We’ll never know what really happened. Just that what they did can never be undone. Or forgiven.

I’ve had a busy night between entering sweeps, being hit on at MySpace by a surprisingly feminine 19-year-old named Kylie who says she’s into older women, plus the other things I usually do around here.

I swapped messages with Donna, but only once as she was pissed at her daughter’s father and not in a great mood.

Today I’m as mysteriously not hungry as I was mysteriously hungry a few days ago. Where I couldn’t stop eating that day, I’ve hardly eaten a thing today and may be breaking another record soon of 131 pounds. I haven’t been that low in like two years!

I was all set to run for 30 minutes but had to stop after just 18 because my knees were irritated. Tom said I advanced from 20 minutes to 30 too fast. Yeah, I probably did.

Running when it’s hot isn’t always so fun either, but it’s nice to be able to complain about the heat again instead of cold, snow and ice.

We both checked out my dad’s case back in 1989 and agree that it seems he got screwed over by some insurance company as it was for an outstanding medical bill. Well, they were pretty loaded at the time from what I heard, so that’s why it was probably an insurance company that jerked him around.

That people-info site is just so cool, and being curious as a rodent (yes, knowledge is fun! LOL), I ran my old music teacher’s name from high school. He was my favorite teacher of all time and one of the very, very few guys I was ever attracted to, but another student won his heart instead. That’s okay. I was more than compensated for that one about 13 years and 3000 miles later. Besides, my desire for kids didn’t last very long.

Meanwhile, I don’t know if the email addy I found on him is current, but I did send a quick hello. I even gave him my diary link.

Although I haven’t been as stressed the last couple of days, I still have to wonder how many more weeks till Tom can get a job. How many more months till I can see a dentist? And how many more fucking years will we struggle? Argh! Life is frustrating at times.

We both agree that kissing up to the queen by sending a quick note saying hi as if nothing ever happened wouldn’t be a good thing. Not only would she be just as stingy dead as she is alive by not leaving us any money, but some people’s deeds really are unforgivable. Period.

Oh, the information one can find on the World Wide Web! It appears that back in ’89 my poor dad was a defendant in a case involving a heart doctor. Hmmm… It may be none of my business but I can’t help but wonder what it was about. Well, I’m not going to ask, not that I would expect a straight answer anyway, so I’ll never know.

I found something a lot more interesting on MySpace. Some celebs have pages there. Kate doesn’t, but Gloria does. As kind of a joke, I sent a friend request. It’s hard to believe she’d accept one from a total stranger, but maybe that’s the whole point. It’s probably not her that actually accepts them, but a team of secretaries or something. But how does MySpace know the person’s really that celeb and not just anyone making it look like they are? Her last login was on January 26th.

I kept the message brief which I included in my request. It goes like this:

Hi Gloria! My name is Jodi. I have been a fan of yours for over 20 years and you have even motivated me to learn a lot of Spanish! Amigas?

Of course I couldn’t put the upside-down question mark in front of ‘amigas’, and I kindly neglected to add that she looks almost as bad as I do these days, and has put out nothing but shitty albums for over a decade now. Aren’t I sweet?

Anyway, this would’ve been so exciting back when I was really into her. Now it’s just something to do. I wasn’t kidding when I said nothing much excites me anymore.

Here’s something even more interesting. I found Donna from the Vista Ventana apartments. I got to randomly searching for whatever name went through my mind at that cool site. It’s just really neat and I’m curious by nature. Maybe not excited, but definitely curious. If Stacey’s eating mocha ice cream right now, I want to know about it. And if Ellie still thinks the FBI puts petroleum jelly in her vents, I want to know that, too!

I met Donna at the pool and we’d often chat while I tried hopelessly to get a tan. My gayness made her a bit uncomfortable and that in turn made me uncomfortable. Although Donna did admit to being attracted to a woman once, I learned quickly that Arizona was not nearly as accepting of gays as Massachusetts. Nonetheless, we started off having pleasant conversations. She was from Texas, married, no kids. She was tall, dark and good looking so of course I was attracted to her, but I wasn’t about to get into it with a married woman and was too screwed up at the time for more than just fooling around anyway. So things went well at first and she even teamed up with a couple of other “pool pals” to get me groceries back when they were still fucking around with my benefits as I had just gotten there. It was the summer of ’92. She was Hispanic and we used to laugh at how I knew Spanish but she and her husband didn’t, although their parents did.

But then we started arguing and I got sick of her paranoia. I ended up dumping her, then later felt bad about it. I tried to talk to her the next time I saw her at the pool, but she went off on me and we basically cussed each other out and were through with each other. She wouldn’t forgive me for dumping her and I pretty much wrote her off as a paranoid bitch. It wasn’t just that. Other pool people were showing their true colors as well, coming between various people, and I was just tired of the whole childish charade. I read back on some of the journal excerpts from that time and I was really pissed at her, alright! LOL

Then time went on and I’d see her around the complex and while we became polite with each other and would say hi, we never resumed our friendship. She was like me; as sweet as honey when she wanted to be but a real bitch at times otherwise.

It’s actually easier to look for profiles on this site than it is on the social networks themselves. So when the name Donna B popped into mind, I did a search but came up empty. Knowing that most people get divorced, I tried her maiden name, Hood, and there she was. She looks good for her age but ugly overall cuz she’s fat and aging. She’s now living in El Mirage, divorced, getting into nursing, and with a daughter she appears to have had with a boyfriend, judging by her photos.

So I said what the hell, I’ll send a message. I asked if she lived at Vista in 1992, told her who I was, mentioned Andy who preferred to go by Mark at that time, and said that although she said she was okay with gays, she seemed a bit prejudiced back then. I added that I was actually bisexual and have been married to a wonderful man now for nearly 15 years and was currently living in NorCal. I gave her my journal link, too.

Sure enough, I received a surprised reply. She said she did remember me and Andy and couldn’t believe that I remembered her (I told her I had an impeccable memory). She admitted to being a little scared of me then as she felt I wanted more than just friendship, I was so pretty, she was not gay, and she was never prejudiced then or now. She remembered a ring I’d given her which I forgot about. It was a ring I never wore that I thought she would like. She also mentioned lying out at the pool, and didn’t I live in Idaho or somewhere cold?

I told her where I was from and that it was Angel and her husband who were the ones from Idaho.

She asked if I made dolls and said she just started collecting black vintage folk dolls. (yuck!) She said she’ll check out the dolls we’ve got listed on eBay in which Tyler finally has a watcher. Their views are evening out, too. Currently 22 for Tyler and 29 for Angelina, who still has 3 watchers.

Tom listed the Apple keyboard for just a buck since it has no number pad. It’s already got a bid and a watcher.

Although Donna’s 45 she has her age listed at 43. She says she’s also blunt and would do anything for anyone, but can also be a bitch. Yeah, I remember! LOL, but I can say the same for myself.

She asked if I had a MySpace cuz she wanted to add me as a friend and I told her I’d just sent her a friend request myself and was in fact a registered member. I think you have to be in order to send messages and things like that.

I’m back down to 132 pounds now that my period’s over, and today I ran two miles! Took me a half hour.

Today I ran for 25 minutes but hey, this is California. That means it’s usually too hot to run for the hour I’d like to run for, but I’ll work my way up to it little by little. You know you worked out hard when you sweat between your fingers and around your eyes of all places! I hate that yucky, sweaty feeling, but otherwise, I feel great after a long workout and a shower. Definitely a shower!

We managed to “buy ourselves another month of life,” so to speak, and yes, Jesse was okay with us splitting the rent. The thing was that not only was it hard for Tom to get a word in edgewise as usual, but he rushed Tom off the phone cuz he was on his way out. The sound of the motorcycle a few minutes later confirmed this. So he never got to mention the flooring or the dogs, but that’s okay. He’ll try again in a few days when he goes to pay the rest of the rent. Jesse said it was okay, he understood that times are tough, and he didn’t want a late fee when Tom asked him about that. At first I chided Tom for asking and putting it into his head, but he said that this way he can’t change his mind if he talks to Maryann in between. He’s got a point there!

Anyway, while I’m still not sure of our future, I definitely feel more relaxed now than I did yesterday. I figured Jesse wouldn’t have a problem with us splitting the rent, as I said before, but hearing him say so himself made all the difference from just thinking he would say so.

So now Jesse knows for sure that we’re on unemployment, although I would think he was starting to put two and two together. It may be hard to see down here, but given the odd times Tom’s come and gone, and the fact that if you look real hard through the winter-thinned leaves you can see the car as long as it’s daytime, I’m sure it was getting pretty obvious.

If Tom doesn’t have a job by March I’m going to be getting really worried!

Jesse was gone for about 4 hours during which Tom said he only heard two quick barking spells, miraculously before I got up. I myself have been blessed with hearing absolutely nothing other than a few minutes of that dirt bike.

For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out how to post new threads on OLS, so I asked a friend of mine who’s also a member and they told me how. I wanted to start a thread about the dolls to see if it brought more traffic to them on eBay, but no-go. Angelina had 5 watchers, but now she’s down to just 3. I know the economy sucks, but I really expected more views than they’ve gotten so far. Angelina’s at 24 while Tyler’s at just 14.

Heard the renters’ dogs go off just now. One of them anyway. I can tell it’s about a few hundred feet in back too, so they’re definitely still keeping them tied up. Hope it lasts!

Through someone else’s thread, I found this really cool site. They left a link saying that you could find all kinds of information on people there, so I figured what the hell? And so I followed the link out of natural curiosity. I don’t know if I’d say it was “all kinds” of info, but it’s definitely got more than most. I don’t get why it makes so many people uncomfortable, though. As long as no one has your SS# there’s nothing anyone can really use against you. Most of the stuff found there was a matter of public information years before the internet ever existed, and a lot of it was put there by the person themselves, such as social networking profiles.

Anyway, I ran a few people’s names and what I found was amazing, but not surprising. We almost all have our brushes with the law at some point, as nobody’s perfect, so I wasn’t surprised to find some records, including my own. I couldn’t find detailed information on most of these types of things. You have to pay for it, and no one’s background has me that curious, so I couldn’t get the outcome on some of the cases.

Big bro, who I’d still describe as a hypocritical asshole with a great sense of humor, got busted for speeding in Ohio many years ago and lost his business in 2007 as if losing his son wasn’t enough 10 years before that.

No serious dirt on big sis, who had a profile on MySpace she hasn’t updated since December of 2007. I’m surprised she’d want to meet old classmates like she said on Facebook after the way they picked on her. I don’t remember her ever having any friends before she moved out of the house but we are 8 years apart so who knows for sure?

My folks were in small claims court for “damages less than $100” in 1991. I never heard about it, but I guess it was some other business against the business they once had. Don’t know the outcome, though.

I also found what might be a picture of Stacey. I saw her address and profile page on Facebook and Reunion, and also that she had been a bonded notary from 1992-1996 (my mother was a notary also but hasn’t renewed her license since 2007). From what I could tell, she’s worked at a few different management companies and may currently be a district manager at the site that had the picture. I’d be amazed if she really was still able to work in this business! So many people at the Vista had problems with her overstepping her boundaries. She’d give out people’s personal information, pit tenants against others, stick her nose where it didn’t belong, and so on and so forth. I swear all she had going for her was her looks, but I’ve certainly seen prettier!

Anyway, there were pictures of employees in their offices. I studied hers and overall it seems like it could be her, but I can’t say for sure. The site was copyrighted in 2003. She’d have been 34 then and that’s about how old the woman in the picture looks. Older than the 26 she was when I last knew her, but definitely not the 42 she is today. She’s aging pretty well, I must admit. If it’s her, she was still slim when the picture was taken and didn’t appear to have any gray hair yet. She had it styled like she had it when I knew her; shoulder-length, side-parted. When I tried to enlarge the picture it became too blocky to see any real detail to positively identify her, not that it really matters.

Of course I couldn’t resist sending her a message just to say “hello” in case it is her. If it is, who knows if she’s still there what with the way the economy is? Or with all the trouble she causes, which could be why she hops from management company to management company.

Lastly, since it was free and legal, I decided it was high time I left a review of the wonderful so-called public defender I had years ago. I got to be amazed yet again when I saw that there were no previous complaints against this shyster, but then again, when you try to lodge a complaint and no one will let you, this doesn’t mean others haven’t tried, and most people may not know about this site. I didn’t until I stumbled upon it earlier. My review went like this:

Paul K withheld all kinds of information that could’ve prevented me from a 2000 conviction. He also lied to me and told me I would receive just a few months of probation when in fact I ended up receiving a 3-year sentence, 6 months of which had to be spent in jail. I was also tricked and manipulated into thinking I was being charged for sending old neighbors journals of mine that had nothing nice to say about them, when in fact I was really being charged for a threatening letter I never sent. There was also stuff I’d never seen until minutes before sentencing. This is because the “victim” was personal friends with the cop involved, both of whom admitted to being prejudiced against Jews (yes, I am Jewish). This cop typed the letter himself, and thrust it into my hands during interrogation to get my prints on it, thus using it as a weapon against me for lodging a city complaint against the old neighbors for noise/vandalism, and as a way to legally lash out at a Jew. Sending the journals may not have been the smartest thing to do, but nonetheless, my rights to free speech were grossly violated.

My being naïve to the law was clearly taken advantage of by a person who worked for the state, the very being against me. By the time I learned that he had to have known what I was really charged with and that I didn’t understand a fraction of what was really going on, and that he had to have known I wasn’t going to get just a few months of probation, it was too late. My husband tried to lodge a complaint on my behalf with the bar, but sadly enough, and just like within police departments, they usually protect their own. This means that no one would even listen.

It shames me - even angers me - that such shady, deceptive con artists like Mr. K are allowed to practice law of any kind. I don’t think these kinds of people have any concept of the financial and emotional devastation their vindictiveness causes. What he and the others involved did, cost my husband and me thousands of dollars, half a year of time that can never be replaced, and a world of grief. I continued to be victimized afterward and finally had to leave the state. I still live in fear of these obsessed sickos hunting me down and trying to victimize me all over again. But I’m smarter now and determined not to let that happen. Meanwhile, Mr. K is very lucky that I wasn’t in a position to take the legal action necessary to see him disbarred.

Today I have an online journal. I don’t let the past scare me from exercising my right to free speech. You can see this at (I left the link to my diary) END

Okay, enough of those who screwed me over in the past! It sure felt good to get it out, though. Very therapeutic. Hey, what are journals for if you can’t vent and rant about your enemies? LOL, Well, enemies or not, these people are nothing more than just a very bad memory now. They cannot legally – or illegally for that matter – harm me ever again. I remind myself of this when I think of those who decided I “stalked” the people who lived just 3 feet from my husband and I, and who tormented us nearly every day, then called it a “hate” crime when my husband complained to the city, and I was willing to share some journal excerpts about it, ultimately causing them to be evicted, or at least so they said in court. Yet the only thing I ever “hated” was the way they so freely and openly victimized me and used and abused the law against me. Meanwhile, the only one who was ever truly hated was me.

Hey, didn’t I say enough of these sickos? Shame on me!
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Last updated July 27, 2024

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