March 2007 in 2000s

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It used to be that I could at least count on not having to listen to the canal dog’s shit late at night, but not anymore. I honestly don’t see how the hell the owners can sleep through these late-night barking fits. Obviously, they’re scared of someone in particular or just the world in general and this is a guard dog. Why else would they keep it out there to make such a racket and basically ignore it?

But this is how it’s going to be everywhere I live, so why can’t I just get used to it? I simply wasn’t meant to live anywhere quiet. The bamboos and horseshoe may’ve curbed the neighbor curse, but the dog curse is still the same problem it’s always been since moving out west.

I exchanged emails with Denise again, and yes, I am getting the Hermione Granger doll for $100. She’s regularly $120 - $150. She’s going to send an invoice tomorrow and the doll will go out Monday. I mentioned moving to Sacramento and she said she’s a little over an hour north and would love to see me in her store. So would I, but with no less than $300 at hand, and that doesn’t look promising. But this is the difference between Tom and I. I’ve smartened up, and being the psychic that I am who knows what’s in her cards money-wise, she knows better than to get her hopes up for money. Yet sadly, Tom’s still vulnerable and gullible to God’s joy of playing with his head. He loves to tease us with money, that’s for sure. Almost as much as He likes to keep us living where we don’t want to live!

I’m wondering two things about my weight. One, perhaps I have maxed after all. I’ve been eating more than I should for nearly half a year now yet I’m still in the 130s. But since I have been in the 130s for a while, this brings me to another thing I’m wondering, and that’s whether or not my metabolism may’ve reached another turning point in its life. Maybe the 130s will be the new norm for the next decade instead of the 120s. It makes sense too, considering the fact that we gain a pound a year after gaining the initial 20-40 pounds most of us gain when we hit our 30s.

Again I had a dream about being a movie extra. Only instead of having to swim around in a huge pool, they actually had me say something, so I was a little more than an extra. I remember talking to some guy in his office who asked if I’d had any acting experience. I said I’d never acted professionally or had any training, but those who know me agree that acting is my best ability, and I agree as well. He said something about not cutting my hair and losing some weight. Then I asked how often rehearsals would be and he said once a week. I remember being a little worried, knowing that while I could keep a biweekly schedule, I was unsure as to whether or not I could keep a weekly schedule. I must’ve had some confidence in myself because I didn’t say anything about it. I simply took my script, whatever that was, and left the room.

When I woke up I wondered if there was a message in these dreams. I’ll have to research the subject some more because it does seem like a fun thing to do. On the other hand, God doesn’t like me doing what I like to do, so I’m sure that if I had to work it’d be because we were so damn broke that I had no choice, in which case I’d do something more dependable like housekeeping.

They have sweeps for winning roles as extras or bit-parts. I just entered to win a die-on role in a sci-fi movie.

Emilie arrived today, and when I saw that Esme wasn’t with her, I began to worry. To describe Emilie first, she wears a white bodysuit with jeans, a gold belt, gold sandals, and diamond earrings. It’s a bitch getting things like shoes on without glasses as my eyes are getting so damn bad! I miss my old eyes big time!

Anyway, when I got up this evening, there was a message from Esme’s seller saying they tore their store and warehouse apart, but could not find her. Then they made me a few offers to make it up to me. This turns out to be a good thing because I’ve been wanting this doll from the Harry Potter series - Hermione Granger. She’s more expensive at $125, but I’m hoping she won’t be much extra with the discount they’ve offered if I want a more expensive doll. Tom said not to worry about additional costs; whatever it is we’ll pay. I’m waiting to hear back from them which I figure won’t be until tomorrow. I could actually thank Esme for hiding. Esme was nice, but Hermione’s way nicer! She not only has nice hair and a nice face and a gorgeous gown of lavender, violet and magenta, but she’s sculpted differently than most Tonner dolls. She has detail around the neck area and more realistic hands. I’ve been wanting her big time ever since I saw better pictures of her at the same site I was to get Esme from.

I’m also stealing 7 hardcover books by mail since we’re moving soon and I could use some new books. Not just to read, but for credit at a used bookstore down there. Only Jodi S didn’t order them, Jodina S did.

Lastly, we made a small Yves Rocher order because they were having good deals. One of the free gifts included an umbrella that he needs. His old ugly black one broke, so soon he’ll have a nice new sky blue one. I got mostly samplers for myself so I could get more for the money. I got mostly perfumes, shower gels and lotions, as well as sparkling pink lipstick and some incense. Not surprising, I suppose since I just love the stuff, even though I still have a ton of incense left.

The weather’s warming up a bit again, and although it’s still freezing at night, I’m still finding baby spiders in here. I guess they’ve made up their minds that it’s their time to rule and no amount of cold is going to put their lights back out till next fall. I’m just glad we won’t be here!

I sent Paula a letter, but as usual, I don’t expect one in return. Just messages to call her so she can make sure she’s not even there to answer.

Tonight I won a $30 stainless steel coffee thermos in an instant, and he got a shirt in the mail.

Oregon’s back to being how it usually is – cold. We even had some rain and a dusting of snow. The good in it is that it’s killed any spiders that were born recently and kept things quieter. It’s been too cold to sit at this computer late at night. When I can’t get this room up to 70º all I want to do is dive under my comforter with a book. It’ll be back up in the 60s in just a couple of days.

I got sick of sleeping with the mask so I darkened this room up again. It’ll still be ideal for motels. Just 65 days left here!

I won Tom an Arby’s gift certificate which is his favorite fast food place like mine is KFC.

Paula called and of course we had to play yet another round of hopeless phone tag. Justin said she was with some friend named Joanne.

If we really do split on June 1st, then we now have 69, almost 68 days left here. All I’m going to miss are the summers and the lack of blacks in this place!

I’m not going to have a damn bit of a problem with leaving this place messy and dirty either. Not just to make them work for our $450 deposit, but because they should’ve had the decency to pay to move us when they sent us that bitch and her dog. We specifically said “no dogs,” and “no obvious noise sources,” and while they may’ve had no choice since the laws favor people like that while we don’t have any noise protection rights of any kind, they could’ve at least paid to move us. Either that or give us a discount on the first month here. I’m just worried about what God will put us with in Sacramento. Will it be blacks? Mexicans? Both? I just hope to hell they don’t go giving them yet more rights! Especially about being called racial slurs cuz they’ll take advantage of that one big time and call the pigs on anyone that pisses them off, claiming they called them a racial slur. The pigs will automatically side with them, too.

Although I still haven’t heard anything, I did see the dog across the street a few days ago. I wonder what they’ve been doing to keep it quiet when they let it out. I wish someone would do something about the fucking canal dog, but while the neighbor curse may be lifted, the dog curse is definitely not. The question is, did the bamboos and or the horseshoe have a hand in protecting us from bad neighbors here? Or are these neighbors just a fluke? I’d need a few more neighbors to say for sure, but right now I’d have to say it’s a fluke and that we’ll go right back to having to live with the same loud, rude and obnoxious assholes that just can’t shut up for one minute. While whites may make bad neighbors too, because most people are rude, inconsiderate and hard up for attention, the minorities are by far the worst. They simply cannot stand to be ignored and will do everything and anything to get in people’s faces and let them know they exist.

When I sent Ashton-Drake a message asking what was taking so long with the exchange for Tiny Miracle Jasmine, they replied saying they hadn’t received the cats back that I returned, but for the sake of client relations, they would credit our card. This was nice to know. I had them cancel Jasmine, though, saying that we’d be moving in 8-10 weeks, right around the time they expect her in from the manufacturer, and I don’t want any delivery mix-ups. I said I’d place a new order sometime in the future from the new place. Instead, I got a basic Esme doll on eBay from a place in Chico which is in NorCal. She should arrive around the time Emilie arrives from Arkansas.

Got my incense from the stickman. The dumb cock still has himself set up to reject email or else I’d have gotten my top choices that he’s been too lazy to put on his list. Instead, I got some secondary choices, but the stuff’s still good, and he gave me 75 sticks rather than 50.

Tom was nice enough to let me order a doll with his $50 winning ticket. I went to order my first Marley doll which is Tyler’s little 12” sister, but they were sold out of the basic one I wanted, and so were other sites, so I’m getting the NYC Ballet basic brunette. She’s a little more, though, at $64, but we’re going to be so broke for so long that I’m determined to live it up while I can. This is an Emilie sculpt, one I don’t have yet. She wears her hair in a ponytail and is in a long-sleeved jersey with jeans and sandals. She has a gold chain belt and earrings, too.

Last night I won 5,000 points at Netwinner and am now just over 20,000 points. With 5,000 more points, I could get a $25 Walmart card, but I’d rather wait and accumulate 100,000 points so I can get a $100 card. Besides, these cards take many weeks to get and I don’t want to get one here that may not get forwarded. I want to wait until we get moved and get a new address.

SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 2007
I slept with the mask last night and it wasn’t too uncomfortable. It’ll be ideal for motels. Tom would drive me crazy with the TV flickering when I’d be trying to sleep, and with opening and closing the door when the sun was shining right on it, so next time around I’ll be able to block that out. If only sound was as easy to block as light is!

Four years with the Iraqi war and what have we got to show for it? Too many damn Iraqis still standing!

He won $40 on one scratch ticket and $50 on another, but TUT’s still a bust. I don’t think it’ll make a difference because you can’t make be what isn’t meant to be, but Tom wants to try doing a money spell together. He thinks doing it together would make a difference since we did do the one in the duplex together and that one seemed to stop one unusually bad thing after another from happening to us, along with the help of the bamboos. The upcoming move will be the real test as far as that spell goes, along with the bamboos. We’re going to be jobless and homeless again, and he’s going to be making half of what he makes here in a place that’s twice as expensive. Can the spell and plants help protect us against an evil God determined as hell to see us suffer??? Or will we lose everything this time around and be stuck in the past, living in dumps with neighbors who can’t shut up, using upside-down boxes as furniture, scraping pennies, etc.? Could God hate us that much? Yeah, He could. It’s sad but true. We start over, we start to get ahead, He kicks us back. The question is just how far back He’ll be wanting to kick us this time. Meanwhile, He’ll continue to bless our families with more and more money and luxuries, never letting them get the tiniest taste of what it’s like to have to do without. Hell, we don’t even have a fucking refrigerator right now!

It’s 70º out there now and the stereos are maddening. I almost wish it would cool down again just to shut them up till we have to deal with that shit year-round in California. Mostly, though, I don’t want it warming up too soon while we’re in such a dump of a house that’s so open to spiders.

Tom got me a foam mask to sleep with so I could brighten up the bedroom in order to have the bamboos in here. Because I left the darkening shades up behind the blinds for privacy, the room’s still a bit gloomy till the afternoon sun hits the side of the house.

I emailed and they said they do deliver Claritin to California, so that means it is over the counter there. So 4 months after we get there they’ll make it a prescription drug. Either way, we’re down to just 76 days or less to go till we get outa here!

Two good things happened today, and two not-so-good things happened as well.

The good thing was that I hit 3 instants in a row even though I forgot to bring the bamboos in here. They’re nothing special, though. Just a disc case, a PSP movie we don’t have a PSP PlayStation to play on, and a $20 Office Max gift card. The gift card would be nice to get, but I don’t care about the case or movie.

The other good thing is that although he’s only up $7, he bet on 9 races and two scratched and the other 6 all won. He would’ve won all but one had he been here to change his bets on the two that scratched. We’re still a long way from being able to bet big, but I’d rather the slow way than no way.

The bamboo’s energy seems to linger a day or two after they’re moved away since Tom didn’t start doing bad the instant I moved them out of his room, and I won the instants today. But they do start with their wonderful influence the instant you bring them back! Tomorrow I’ve got to remember to bring them in here before I hit the dailies. I still don’t see us ever getting rich, but if I can turn CDs and T-shirts into bigger wins, and if he can gain a few bucks a day rather than lose a few a day, then that’s certainly better than nothing.

The first bad thing is that they made him work overtime, and you know how much he hates his job. We walked to the store and got some of the usual things, as well as this caramel-flavored Pepsi that just came out. It’s pretty good.

The second bad thing is that Randy’s gone. Someone else delivered today and I asked if it was Randy’s day off and the guy said he was gone. I said that was too bad and the guy said that while a lot of people liked him on this route, he’s gone to another route. Also, he didn’t know who the new regular would be, but that someone would bid on it. Having once worked at the post office, along with his brother David, Tom explained to me that he probably didn’t know he was switching routes until today, which would explain why Randy never mentioned it. I’d think he’d have said something about it if he knew it was coming. Tom said he probably bid on an easier route that wasn’t so hilly, but that they don’t post the new route openings until they’re actually available, and of course, those who have been at the PO longer get first dibs. I wonder why he’d have bid on this route in the first place. Maybe they begged and pleaded with him to take it. I just hope whoever the new person is doesn’t fuck up before we leave.

It’s a real bummer. All the good people leave! The only difference between the 3 people that will always stand out in my mind when I think of Oregon (there’s been 1 for each year spent here) is that Jane liked me, I liked Liz, and Randy was a way cool friend. They’ll definitely be the top 3 highlights of Oregon. The druggie waitress falling all over me, the hot-looking cashier I wished would fall over me, and the jolly old mailman.

MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2007
The weather’s been incredible! I know the spiders are waking up, though, just by all the shiny screen decorations I’ve been seeing. It hit 69º yesterday and right now it’s already 58º yet it’s just barely after noon. I was able to sleep without heat last night and as of two hours ago, the gas heater shut off for the day. Ah, to be saving money this early in the year! I just hope we don’t need to put the AC in before we go, though I don’t think this warm spell will last. After all, it is still only March and this is still Klamath Falls. It’s going to be insanely noisy in a few hours!

Maricopa’s to be 89º today; too hot. Sacramento’s to be 81º, and of course Springfield won’t get over 56º.

Someone left in a car I’ve never seen before from the side next door, though there wasn’t any music. I’m a little worried that the warmth will bring out the worst in them, so I’ll just be glad we don’t have much time left here and that the dog across the street has been gone. That’s a first too, as they don’t usually leave before we do.

Tom and I both agree that my sweep wins have gone down lately and so have his horse wins. After thinking about it, it hit me that this is the way it’s been since none of the bamboos have been by our monitors. I figured they’d do good things for us no matter what room they were in, and although I still know we’ll never get rich, I put two by my monitor and two by his. They definitely seem to help us more the closer they are to us, and the more the merrier, so we’re going to get more as soon as we can once we’re moved.

Another pattern we’ve noticed is that his racing days seem to start off good, then he ends up behind towards the end of the day after he’s bet on about 15-20 races. It’s like EFO can only predict so many winners at a time before it starts fucking up. Again, I know God won’t let him succeed, but it will still be interesting to see the outcome of today’s 9 races that he bet on with the bamboos close by.

His shoulder was acting up last night before I put the bamboos by his monitor. Not long afterward, the pain subsided.

It’s amazing how a plant can put out such good vibes! How can it do that without a brain, I wonder? I also wonder if there are plants that do just the opposite and curse people. Well, if there are, I know I’d never want one! I’m only keeping the bamboos in here while I sleep, then I return them to the living room. It’s just that the bedroom’s too dark to keep them in here. Tom’s going to pick me up a sleep mask I’ve been wanting anyway. If that’s not too uncomfortable to sleep with, then I can brighten the bedroom. I do like bright sunny rooms when I’m not sleeping anyway.


It’s too soon to say that putting the bamboos back made a difference, but instead of EFO losing two days in a row, it broke even today. His shoulder’s been ok today so far, too.

Well, I can’t say I’m attracted to Randy, but there’s something about him. He’s just so way cool. In the end, it’s him I’ll miss the most. If someone had told me that when I left Oregon, it’d be the mailman I’d miss the most, I’d have laughed royally.

With the weather being so much nicer I sat out and waited for him when I saw him across the street. He said something about my sitting out waiting for him. Either it was “surprising” or “nice” that I was waiting for him. I think it was “nice.” Then I teased him by saying that I heard it was to be 120º this weekend. He first said he thought I was nicer than that, then said he couldn’t take that and that the summers here are almost too hot for him.

SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2007
The clocks went ahead early this year because of that global warming thing. Today’s to be in the mid-60s. All the snow has melted and I hope to hell I never have to see it again! It’s never gotten this warm this fast here. I love it except for the bugs that are starting to come out, and of course our little attention-getters are enjoying it immensely. And also, of course, no one will do a damn thing about it.

Tom got me this shampoo by Herbal Essence that straightens hair. I’m amazed at how much straighter it is. It’s not as straight as Liz’s hair was, but it is noticeably straighter. The only thing I don’t like is that it’s a bit frizzier, too. Before I had been using their shampoo that smoothes and does a good job as well.

I’ve really come to dig Randy, our mailman. He’s a very friendly dude that’s become sort of like a friend to me. I hope we have a mailman as cool as him when we move. I teased him by saying that he better watch out because the post office may transfer him to Arizona, and he looked horrified at that idea. He can’t take the heat and so he likes this climate. I wondered for a moment if he even liked me, but nah. I’m 41 and fat and guys are pretty picky about that. I can see myself digging him if I were single and straight. He’s tall and skinny, though he is older. I first thought he was in his 60s, but I think he may be in his late 40s or early 50s. I’ve nicknamed him Batman because of the cape he wore the other day when it rained. It did look sort of funny, though not in a bad way. Tom said he once delivered where he works and someone laughed at the way he was dressed. Then someone else said to be nice to him because he’s a Jehovah’s Witness. They’re the ones that believe those of the right religion will one day be resurrected to forever live a perfect life on earth while those of the wrong religion will simply stay dead. The sun ain’t gonna burn forever, though, so that sort of shoots down that theory, doesn’t it?

I’m swinging onto days which sucks. I like it better on nights when I can go into the kitchen without getting barked at. What’s really going to suck about living attached to others again, since it’s just like being in a separate room of a big rooming house or something, is that I’m going to want to be up at night when it’s quieter, yet it’ll be too noisy to sleep during the daytime. That’s how it was in the duplex the last 4 months we were there, and I’m sure it’ll be that way again soon, making this house seem like it had been oh-so remote. But I won’t miss this microscopic shoebox of a dump either!

I’ve been trying not to think about how much I miss our old house and all the space around it. I don’t miss Arizona or the shitty life we had down there, but I sure miss being in a newer place on acreage. I’ve been feeling so much like a lost soul lately. This must be what they mean when they speak of lost souls that can’t quite make it to the other side. I just want to go home, but there is no home for me!

Sure enough, we couldn’t order the Claritin because Oregon is one of the states they can’t ship it to. It may be an over-the-counter thing in California, but so what if it is? They’d just change that after I started using it again. I’m so fucking sick of living a life that belongs to the government or God! Now Washington wants to ban “boos” from high school sports, that’s how controlling this country is. Next thing you know you’re not even going to be allowed to say “hello.” It’s ok, though, I don’t mind staying big. It may not be as easy to get around with all this weight, but it’s all I’ve known for years now and it will help when some asshole that can’t shut up in the apartments is stupid enough to shove me like Bonny did or threaten me like Barbara did. I prefer peace, but it’s going to feel so good to be able to do what I so stupidly didn’t do for various reasons the last time I dealt with people like Bonny, Barbara and Nancy. I’m going to love seeing their looks of utter shock when they see that yes, someone shorter than them really can and will fight back, and maybe it’ll protect someone else in the future. Of course, it’ll be me defending myself, so God will see to it that I get subpoenaed for it. Ah, but this time I won’t be playing court with anybody! There are so many people I wish I hadn’t cowered down to that I know I would and could hurt if I had been like I am today when they threatened me, but maybe God was actually doing me a favor by having me be a wimp for a while. Yes, the accumulation of threats made me more aggressive and angrier, but think of how many jail sentences I’d have served by now before I stopped answering to court calls! But things are different now, and like I said, I’d prefer for people not to provoke me in any way, but as soon as one does I’ll be ready for them, male or female, and I don’t have to be a big tough guy myself. All I need is good, quick reflexes and one hell of a temper, and I’ve got these things. I also get mad a lot easier than I get scared, so submissiveness is something they won’t get from me. That fury, along with speed, eye contact and blows to their faces and necks should be enough to do the trick as long as no one shoots me, clubs me on the head from behind when I least expect it, or is much heavier and pins me. I’m also willing to be hurt as well. I’ll have to as no one can slam their fist into someone’s face as hard as I’ll need to and not get their hand messed up.

Got the rest of my incense today and they did a great job. So it took just over 6 weeks. Not bad with the way they broke it up and sent a little at a time. I’ve had to wait longer for less with Incense Galore.

I also got my first good win in a while. It’s a Swiffer wet/dry mop and it does a great job of cleaning hairs off of floors. It’s way quicker than vacuuming. Hairy floors tend to be hard to vacuum anyway cuz the exhaust from the vacuum blows the hairs around.

We still have a lot of snow. Too much for next door to be driving in and out beside the house, but it’s starting to melt as a warming trend begins to move through.

The damn snow never ends! It’s supposed to be back in the 50s in a few days, so I hope some of the shit melts then. It’s been so cold that I can’t get this room over 65º. The stereos have been somewhat limited, but the canal dog just gets worse and worse each month. I still can’t believe no one complains, if not about the racket, then about it being left outside in such horrible weather.

Well, my naïvely and unrealistically optimistic husband doesn’t think so, but I think they’re going to start him off at minimum wage or very close to it. One almost always has to start at the bottom and work their way up anyhow. Every job he’s ever gotten since I’ve known him was that way, and I don’t see why he thinks it’d be different this time. Ah, but I’m going to beat God at His own game this time around and refuse to give in to poverty by sitting on my ass and just accepting it! I may have no choice but to accept that we’ll never get rich, but this time, instead of struggling our asses off and giving Him a good laugh while we’re at it, I’m determined to get work housekeeping at a motel or hotel near wherever we live. I don’t like the idea of being demoted to where I was 20 years ago – housekeeping and living in an apartment, but if that’s what I have to do to supplement our income, so be it. I’ll just have to remember not to let myself get caught up on my sleep on my days off because that’s how I get all messed up. If I can’t catch up by going to sleep earlier, then I obviously wasn’t as tired as I thought. Remembering how it was when I was in school, then at the Harley Hotel, I can say that it usually took me until the afternoon to wake up. I’ll miss being home and I’ll be exhausted, but why sit at home, listen to all the noise around me, and worry about where our next meal is to come from? Or simply that we won’t have a penny left for us after the expenses are paid.

One thing I know I won’t do this time around is take people’s shit like I did at the Harley, but part of that was my fault for being social like I was back in those days. This is why I’d like to go for housekeeping; because it’s easy to get hired for and you usually don’t have to deal with as many people. At the Harley, I’d see others at lunch and on the morning and afternoon cigarette breaks. Well, I don’t smoke now so that only leaves lunch. Meanwhile, I’m not going to play the games people love to play. I’m not going to discuss personal matters that aren’t anyone’s business. I’m not going to debate politics. I’m not going to be involved in any pranks. And I’m not going to mix business with pleasure. At least not in the ways I used to.

Robo makes sweeping so much faster that I should still be able to do that as well. The point is that together we shouldn’t be making much less than 2 Gs a month, so even if the cheapest 1-bedroom apartment is $600, we shouldn’t have just a few hundred bucks left over to worry about how we’re going to make last the month once the rent’s paid for.

I just hope Tom’s right in assuming we could get a place on Unemployment in the first place. I would think most places would want you to have a job. I’m just not sure if I want an apartment or a motel since these are our only choices. They both have their pros and cons. With an apartment, you wouldn’t have to worry about pesky housekeepers, but people don’t usually bring their stereos, or their 6 grandkids, or their 16 siblings to motels. Either one would suck, but this is all our lovely God feels we deserve.

I’m torn between wishing I could accept the life I don’t want, which is all that’s in store for me, and wishing I could get up the nerve to kill myself. I only haven’t because of Tom, but when I think of our bleak future and read headlines about how New York wants to make it a crime to say the N-word, while an Australian judge ruled that it’s perfectly ok to make gay slurs like a radio broadcaster did, and how only gay-bashers are protected by the bullshit freedom of speech laws, I don’t want to live in such a world as this. I not only thought I couldn’t hate God any more than I do today, but I thought I couldn’t hate people more than I do either. They’re just so backward! I hate almost everything about everyone. There are just so few accepting, non-controlling people out there. Everybody’s got zero tolerance for everybody else, and everybody’s so damn determined to change people, too! The world is just too twisted a place for me. Why have “freedom of speech” laws if some of us can’t say what we want? If they can slur us, why can’t we slur them? Instead, if we get slurred on the job or wherever we’re on our own with absolutely no protection whatsoever.

I think the fact that most of them are still broke goes to show that it is indeed their choice. Especially since job discrimination is virtually non-existent these days. If anything, it’s discriminative in their favor, so Tom better hope some “minority” isn’t applying for the same job he is since he’d never get it. Not even if he were the one who was more qualified.

I see the tables turning within the next few decades the more blacks steal our rights. The more rights we lose on account of them, and the more the laws favor them, the more fed up we’re going to eventually get, and someday we’ll riot and fight back just like they did. It may be the wrong way to fight back, but it’s perfectly understandable, too. The more people are shit on, the more they want to attack, not caring if the person’s innocent or not and didn’t do a damn thing to them personally. So the more rights they get protecting them from even a simple and silly thing such as a dirty look while we’re left to fend for ourselves when they shit on us at a time they know they legally can, I’m sure there are a future white Rodney King and black Reginald Denny waiting to set a similar example, only it’ll be white against black instead of black against white.

I can understand some of their warped behavior, believe it or not. Hey, if I were suddenly a rich, famous black person or a judge, I just may kill someone that pissed me off too, if I knew I could get away with it. Why stand around and argue or try to reason with them if I could simply shoot them? If you give someone the role of God, they’re going to gladly play it!
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Last updated July 20, 2024

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