She’s A Nasty Bit Of Work So I Gave Her A Bollocking! in YES YES YES!
- May 28, 2024, 1:27 p.m.
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A few minutes ago I was hanging around outside our shop, there was no customers in and I was stood there with a mug of Cup-a-Soup. The pavements and roads outside are very narrow and lumpy and difficult for the elderly/disabled. I’m on a 4-wheeled seated Rollator.
There was a car coming down and on my side on a pavement was a 90 year old lady on a Rollator. She was walking in the road as she finds the pavements impossible.
The car, driven by a young fit woman started trying to squeeze past the elderly lady. I barked at her to back up a few feet and let the lady past but she wouldn’t saying ”I have every right to drive on this road”
So I replied ”You DON’T have the right to come dangerously close to knocking her over. You’ve got 4 stupidly fast wheels and this lady only has 2 very slow elderly legs so BACK UP, YOU ARSEHOLE AND LET HER PASS!’ You’ll be elderly and infirm yourself one day”
She did eventually but only after a lot of tantrums huffing puffing and pouting!
iwontsugarcoat ⋅ May 28, 2024
Good for you for standing up for her!!
Pusscat5862 iwontsugarcoat ⋅ June 04, 2024
Thank you very much!