Indy 500 quack quack in Hi This is Kat!
- May 26, 2024, 4:08 p.m.
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I am from Indiana… born and bred here. I have always lived in this area as I can not pull myself away from all my family and friends to move too far away.
I have been to Indy 500 many times… in my younger years I felt like it was a meat market! All the guys had signs that said show us your tits! I was a modest girl and felt intimidated. It was a sexual circus in my eyes! I saw a girl onto of a van giving out free blow jobs! I was in a culture shock as I was only like 20 at the time. It was a drunken brawl.
I feel it is not like that now??? Women got tired of being a piece of meat! BUT I might be wrong as I have not been there for 30 years or so because I just did not feel good when I was there.
I am sure my Ex is there with his show us your tits sign lol
It is raining in Indy and here as well… looks like there will be a dry window where they will race… I hope so because the fans deserve to see the race
Jodie ⋅ May 27, 2024
I think that is just gross that these people did/do this.
raeven Jodie ⋅ May 28, 2024
Same. It is gross and very pathetic.
queenofegypt ⋅ May 27, 2024
Interesting! I’m sure times have changed for sure.
raeven ⋅ May 28, 2024
I used to live in NH, and we had the NH speedway. This was quite a few years ago.. I was a Jagermeister Girl at some of the races, and it was a shitshow.