In the Life Log - Day 64 in My Musings
- May 20, 2024, 10:49 a.m.
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Today was ok. I think I got to sleep more or less about 7 hours; however, I did have a weird dream that relates to the gym. Won’t go into the details of it, but thankfully no panic attacks or wave of sadness yet again today yay!
I decided to go onsite today (and will do the same thing again later) just to get it over with. Thankfully, I was able to hail a cab quite quickly and the travel time was quite quick too, despite some initial bottleneck near my area of work. Since I was really still feeling sleepy from last Friday’s leg session, I decided to have a large order of iced coffee (black) just to wake me up.
Work, as always, was very quiet. My only meeting that’s usually set every Monday and Friday (by me), was now rescheduled to every Fridays only since we are nearing the completion of the project. I don’t know how I got through 9 hours at the office, more so because there was nobody else in our assigned production area. 1 year and almost 3 months into my current work and still hoping for some concrete tasks to be assigned.
The ride home, similar to the morning, was quite easy too. I think it only took me a few minutes shy of 15 minutes which was really the surprise - not complaining either way.
I was greeted by rain when I was walking my way to the gym. I did not get drenched (thank goodness for my umbrella). As expected, the gym was packed once again so some improvisations had to be done. The pump for both chest and triceps was decent, whereas cardio felt too long once again.
Overall rating for the day: 8/10
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