Ethiopian look in Hi This is Kat!

  • May 20, 2024, 3:36 p.m.
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One bad thing about bangs is you have to get your hair cut every three weeks…

Last night around 10;00pm we heard a knock on the door… which is not normal. We turned the security off and it was the homeless guy bringing me the big book of findings from Jo’s divorce. in hopes of finding w-2s so I can get her taxes started!

Jo was with him… she was so drunk she could not get out of the seat of the car. I warmed them both up a spinach and artichoke spring roll I made. they were good. Jo refused to eat anything and she looked so frail! her arms are just skin covered bones! Ethiopia looking! When I hugged her I could feel all her bones. she is smaller than Brooks as far as weigh goes! I bet she does not weigh 90 pounds! and she is about 5‘2” but she also has a huge belly now! Ascites is got her blown up! her belly button is not poking out. This worries me as the fluid can get infected!

I worry so much about her health!

The homeless guy kept talking about how he takes such good care of her by making her eat and he kept telling her that he is her greatest fan… Jo looked him in the eyes and said NO! Kat is my biggest fan and she will always take care of me.

She kept telling him that I am such a doll! LOL I will take drunk compliments

then he said… I know you aren’t Rickie Rich… Rich but you are rich. I find that scary like he is looking for something to steal. I do not trust him!

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