Too Two in Current Events
- May 19, 2024, 2:42 a.m.
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I finally linked up with Alex & Bruce. I got a better picture of what this position looks like that I’m applying for. It’s not shift work. We don’t know what the starting wage is for this program. It’s peer support. I will be working with high-risk teens who identify with masculine energy. I will be doing a lot of program planning. I will then be facilitating those programs. I’ll be doing check-ins throughout the day. The job itself sounds awesome. What intimidates me is that it is in the middle of the worst part of town. The absolute worst. The pits, if you will. The bowels of my country. My city is the murder capital of Chinada. I will have access to a company vehicle but I’ll buy myself a car anyway. I don’t want to be walking around there for a second. Driving through it is bad enough but this is where we need to be if we want to create social change.
They remember my interview from the job fair last year. I didn’t apply for this program that they feel I am perfect for. Go figure.
Alex and Bruce invited my roommate and me to a sweat lodge. I can’t wait. I’ve never been to one before. I really want to meet some elders and knowledge-keepers. I lowkey want to become one, of sorts. It’s written into my birth chart. It’s all over the chart. A spiritual leader, a shaman, an elder, a priest, a guru, etc. I have a Taurus North Node in the 12H. My Sun and Venus are in the 9H. Jupiter in the 10H. Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune in the 8H. Moon, I’m a Taurus rising, which makes Scorpio my descendant. I have the Mood, Mars, Pluto, and the South Node in the 6H. I could lead a cult with this chart, easily.
Today is day two of my mood being stable. I hope I can keep it this way. I did pick up four hours today at work. It’s double time and half. It went ok.
I did a deep clean of the apartment. I can’t believe I let my kitchen get like that. On the surface it looks great but once I pulled everything out to go behind it… I bring shame to my 6H placements. My beautiful Virgo energy is fleeting.
I also read more of my book, The Light of Egypt. Well, listened. I prefer audiobooks. I want to go back and pay more attention. He explained how the planets affect us exactly. He explained it at a science level. Of course, using a different understanding of physics. One where gravity isn’t a mystery. Where the universe is holistic. Matter is an aggregate.
Anyway, I need to shower and get ready for bed. Tomorrow my roommate and I are going to an event downtown that is selling used bikes. She really wants me to get myself one. I’m trying to save money but I can’t stop spending. Oops.
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