Okay, Prosebox? Let's have us a talk about antisemitism. in Those Public Entries

  • May 15, 2024, 11:07 p.m.
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Because for the second time, I posted an entry (this time public) in which I briefly mentioned being Jewish-ish and made references to being anti-Zionist, and someone just had to pop in with (((Da Joos))) and how we’re going to fuck everything up, and when they were called out on it, tried to use “I don’t know you!” as a defense.

So. Here we go. From the Facebook page “I will trebuchet this individual into SPACE GULAG“:


1) If you think “Israel”, “Zionists”, and “Jews” are interchangeable terms, you may well be anti-semitic.

2) If you think a Jewish conspiracy controls the media/international finance/politics/the BBC, you are anti-semitic. There is no conspiracy. I’m well-connected in the Jewish community so l’d definitely be invited and I’ve heard nothing. (Quick note: I am not as well-connected in the Jewish community as Head Conrad, but I assure you, there is no “Jewish conspiracy.” We can’t even agree on which interpretation of the Torah is correct! We literally argue with God, and you think we’re somehow going to all be on the same page on how to run the world?! Fuck all the way off!)

3) If you use the term “Rothschild” to imply “Jews”, you are definitely an anti-semite. And congratulations on using the exact same wording as the Nazis and those who incited the Tsarist pogroms, etc.

4) If your only defence is “The Jews aren’t a race so I’m not racist” or “the Jews aren’t the only semites so I’m not an anti-semite”, then you’re most likely an anti-semite.

5) If you think every Jew needs to condemn Israel in every tweet, comment etc., you may be an anti-semite (see point 1).

6) Supporting the desire of Palestinians for legitimate self-determination, human rights and their own state, and condemning Israeli government policies does not make someone anti-semitic. But see points 1-5.

Also: If you think the words “Jews,” “Jewish,” “Zionist,” or “Israel” are an invitation to rant about how much you hate Israel, or how you think (((Da Joos))) are going to throw the election because you think all of us support Israel? You are antisemitic. “Tell me you’ve never known a Jew, without telling me.”

From its inception, there has been Jewish resistance and opposition to Israel. Albert Einstein was one of the leading Jewish voices against the formation of Israel. (Y’all can look this shit up yourselves, if you are so inclined; I need a break from being The Source of Information Y’all Can’t Be Arsed To Look Up.) Jewish Voice for Peace is the leading American source of anti-Zionism, and they’re the ones who’ve been leading most of the campus protests against the Palestinian genocide. Furthermore, there have been protests against the genocide in Israel. In Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa, Israelis have been marching to end the occupation, bring back the hostages, and negotiate a peace with Palestine.


Finally: You do not help Palestinians by being antisemitic. Know how I know? Because unlike a lot of y’all goyim, I’m making a point of listening to real Palestinians. They have been taking their five minutes of internet access every day to plead with white people to stop being antisemitic, to stop denying the Holocaust, because they understand that none of that helps them. Palestinians don’t want Jews dead. They don’t want Israelis dead. They just want not to be bombed. They don’t want to be the victims of a genocide. They want a representative government and self-determination. How, exactly, does hating Jews and being antisemitic help them get there? I’ll tell you: It doesn’t.

I will be the first to say that America and Europe have done a lot of revisionism and sanitation about their role in the Holocaust, in how Israel was formed, and how the US and the British Empire absolutely fucked the Middle East. But I will also be the first to say that this wasn’t the fault of the Jews. As I said before, there has always been opposition to Israel and Zionism within the Jewish community and diaspora, from the very beginning. At the end of the day, Britain and the US are the ones who made the choice to steal land from Palestine and give it to a small, vocal minority of Zionist Jews, as a weak-ass mea culpa for not stopping the Holocaust.

If you want to know how unpopular Israel really is among Jews, think of this: Since the late 90s, Jews from all corners of the world are entitled to a “birthright” trip to Israel, entirely free of charge (provided they are under the age of 26, have not lived in Israel since before the age of 13, and not studying to become a rabbi). I’ve heard of a lot of people taking this birthright trip, but I have never heard of anyone who did it loving Israel so much that they even considered moving there. Oh, they love Israel, but they won’t move there. Gee, I wonder if it’s because even the most hardcore Zionists know, in their heart of hearts, that it’s a bad idea and Israel is not actually a safe place for Jews. And to be clear, birthright is wholly propaganda: People who take it are only allowed to visit where the tour guides let them, and asking about Palestine or going into Gaza or the West Bank can be enough to get you booted from the trip and having to pay to get home.

I’m so sick of the antisemitism I’ve seen masquerading as being “pro-Palestine.” You’re part of the problem, and Palestinians are sick of your shit, too.

Last updated May 16, 2024

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