The Moon is a Harsh Mistress in A New Chapter

  • May 13, 2024, 1:28 p.m.
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I remember around 2004, I was watching a documentary about comics on the History Channel. “Heroes Unmasked” or something among those lines. They spoke about “The Watchmen” by Alan Moore and I remember thinking “this sounds amazing” and feeling a chill down my spine. I had been reading comics for a very long time a that point but I had never heard of it. I knew I had to read it right away.

I really liked Dr. Manhattan the most. The scene in which he discusses his perception of time was perfect. While I’m not a supernatural being, I think of time just like him. When I read this, it brought a tear to my eye. It was so well done and written. The movie version years later with Billy Crudup did it justice.

Maybe its my dad’s fault. He studied chemical engineering and had spent a lot of time reading physics research and quantum mechanics books. He explained to me once different theories of how time is perceived. How some have theorized that time is chaotic and there is a possibility that it is all happening at once. I have always felt that. Whether it is right or wrong is a different story, and right or wrong is a different story altogether too. I don’t think I have super powers or anything, people have always mentioned, at times frightened, with how well I can remember small details from years and years ago. I think I just have a very good memory to be honest.

My grandma passed away when I was around 6 but I still remember quite a bit about her. My dad is reaching that age in which he says stuff like “do you remember when we went to..”and sometimes its a bit much. I think he knows I remember but sometimes I say “nope” because I don’t want to deal with it at the moment. But sometimes if I can tell he is feeling down I humor him and show off that I remember much more about her than he thinks.

I guess its nice. I have no body of comparison. But I like being able to sit here and just feel/smell/sense what it was like to do certain things at certain times. Its not always significant. Sometimes its just a mundane/blah day. I remember my aunt had a neighbor who had cancer and was passing away. I was around 8 and this guy couldn’t have been older than 12-13. He couldn’t afford a gaming console so he came over to play with my cousins and I. I think he was maybe a bit gifted because his dream was opening that console and looking at all the electronic components.

One weekend he just wasn’t there anymore. I wasn’t super close to him but my family and I were well aware of his medical situation. We spent many weekends playing together. Not sure how to describe it but I feel a bit of a sadness thinking about him. All the cool and interesting things he didn’t get to see and he would have loved.

I’m not particularly sure where this entry is coming from.
A few months ago my wife asked me if there was anything super valuable that I really wanted to have. It was the icebreaker for us to discuss maybe saving for a long-term vacation or something like that (which I don’t have a problem with.) But she asked if maybe there was a collectable or a book, trip, watch, etc anything.

I said not really and the question kind of left me stumped.
Sure there are things I want but nothing astronomically expensive. Travel? I have seen and lived in many places. I have a small bucket list but I would say it is pretty small compared to most. I guess when I look at my life as a whole, as a movie instead of a book with chapters, it has been pretty good.

I have walked through the ruins of Pompeii and sat down to admire the wildlife at the rain forest. I saw Van Gogh’s work in person and met many talented actors and artists. I visited Caesars grave and enjoyed a herd of reindeer at the Arctic Circle.
I’m not a billionaire but I’m thankful for what we have. During the same conversation we spoke about my sister’s insane wedding. I told her that a big reflection for me was that it felt that my family had “made it.” Despite all of our flaws, we have gone from dirt poor to owning multiple businesses and hosting that expensive ass wedding. We live in some of the most exclusive and desired parts of the country/world. There is something worth saying about that.

Month’s later, I still don’t think I want anything super elite. Sure, if someone gave me a private jet and paid for it I would take it. But I don’t really need it. or a watch. or a mega gaming computer. you get the point.

Music: Madrugada Eterna (club mix) by The KLF

See You Later Space Cowboy.

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