In the Life Log - Day 53 in My Musings

  • May 9, 2024, 9:30 a.m.
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Today was better than yesterday, mood speaking. Waking up early is still not my strong point though; felt so groggy and sleepy even after clocking in about 6.5 hours. Glad that I’m back to my old schedule next week.

The training earlier was a bit light since it was the last day of lectures. There was still a case study wherein we provided our inputs. However, the real “surprise” came before lunchtime wherein we were assigned in groups to do an actual Privacy Impact Assessment based from an actual scenario. We’ll be presenting this morning (it’s already 12:26 a.m. as of this writing); thankfully, we’re the last group so that leaves us plenty of time to do last minute touch-ups.

The gym crowd was a lot more tolerable today compared to the past few days. I was able to breeze through my session without needing to improvise. I felt strong and had quite a good pump going on too. If anything, cardio felt a bit too long again.

I also had my first round of interviews for this company I’m prospecting. I felt quite confident with the turnout, as most of the questions were answered well (or so I think). Just keeping my fingers crossed.

It’s finally Friday. I can’t wait for this week to be over and get more sleep (as the case always is).

Overall rating for the day: 7/10

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