In the Life Log - Day 46 in My Musings

  • May 2, 2024, 7:29 p.m.
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Today was another normal day. I got to sleep a little over 7 hours with minimal interruption, save for the instances when I had to answer the call of nature. I dreamt about us again; in said dream, we were reminiscing with joy and laughter what we had, as if we have both moved on. As always, I wonder how she’s doing.

Work was once again idle. To spend the time, I read a PDF copy of Mitch Albom’s “The Five People You Meet In Heaven”. Needless to say, I got to finish the entire thing in one sitting. His works are truly wonderful to read, and was once again touched by the lessons imparted in the said book.

Talking about work, my performance feedback from the people I’ve worked with this cycle have turned out really well. There’s also this internal position I applied for a couple months back, and it seems we’ll be finally starting with the interview rounds. I also had an HR screening for another company after my shift was done - just keeping my fingers crossed that my profile catches the hiring manager’s attention.

Today’s workout emphasized on shoulders + triceps. I was feeling strong today, although my lower back was somewhat disturbing me even while I was at home. Hit good numbers in my routine and cardio was a breeze too.

It’s finally Friday (2:28 a.m. as of this writing). Looking forward to the weekend so I can give my body, mind, and spirit some well-deserved rest.

Overall rating for the day: 7/10

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