In the Life Log - Day 40 in My Musings

  • April 26, 2024, 5:34 p.m.
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It’s finally Friday. Last night’s sleep was really good - got immediately knocked out and clocked in almost 8 hours. No weird dreams either so that’s always a good thing.

Work, once again, was very light. Save for a few meetings, I was idle for a good 5 hours at least so I had to think of ways to be productive. The project that a colleague and I are working on continues to face a number of challenges, especially with regard to access control rights. Hopefully we get to finally address it by next week.

Around mid-afternoon, I had a wave of sadness overcome me. I don’t remember anything specific triggering it, however. I think it lasted for almost 2 hours before it vanished. One of those days, I guess.

I hit legs earlier and had quite the solid workout. Quads and calves had a good pump going on, and my lower back cooperated with me too. Cardio was a different story, though. 1 hour on the stationary bike felt unusually long even while I did a number of reading to keep myself distracted.

It’s finally the weekend - hoping to get more rest so I can get that physical and mental break.

Overall rating for the day: 5/10

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