I didn't give him a heart attack, promise in Second 1st

  • April 22, 2024, 11:40 a.m.
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Today’s the day things will get paid OFF. The lawn mower, my car, and the accident. Then, we will discuss the next steps. Are we contributing anything to student loans or keeping it all for down payment / first improvements for a house.

Did I want to make an entry just to say that? Nah I forgot about something.... and I wish to remember it ALWAYS.

I have an Uncle on my mom’s side. he was the only boy of 5 children. When I was younger There were at least 3 summers I practically lived at his house. Jessica (his daughter) and I were thick as thieves. If we weren’t at her house we were at mine.... she hated my house though cause it was haunted.....

Anyways, My uncle Gary was like a second dad to me there for a while. He’s always been the Uncle with the big bear hugs. He’s got a quick wit and he’s pretty much all dad things that my dad isn’t. He lives here in the same town I do now. I’d kinda been looking for him.... well just keeping my eyes peeled in case I may run into him in public. Then, I did! lol

Rocky and I had gone to the post office to see about a P.O. Box and as we were leaving there he was. He had his head turned away and didn’t see me so I lightly tugged his shirt and when he turned I pulled him into a hug. It was awesome cause he was flabbergasted! Stumbling over words that just weren’t coming. I was giving him a nice long hug when he looked Rocky over and was like ” I know you. Jenny! What are you doing here?!?” LOL it was the best! and I just knew I’d see him that day for some reason. We stood and talked for a moment. I called his house and left my number on his machine. (He still has a house phone and an answering machine) It was good to see him.

I finally changed some statuses on FB.... Doordash for job.... Lapeer , MI for where I live.... complicated for relationship.... a bit sad that you can’t put open relationship and have multiple “in a relationship” ....

Rocky was up.... he went back to the basement just a few moments ago.... it’s only 6:30 am so that’s odd for him. Jakes coming over for breakfast.... I’ll have to see if Rocky wants to come. I’m not working today because it’s the first day Destiny has off since I got here.....

That’s it I guess....

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