I'm ok in Memories.....or lack thereof...

  • April 21, 2024, 9:55 a.m.
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  • Public

I’m ok, no really
There’s nothing wrong, at all
See me smile brightly?
I’m truly walking tall

I’m ok, no really
My smile never slips
I’ll never show you what inside
My picture never tips

I’m ok, no really
You just don’t need to know
All the things I’ve tucked inside
Way deep and down below

I’m ok, no really
Why don’t you need to know?
Because they don’t affect me
I’d rather you watch my show

I’m ok, no really
Watch my fake it show
Fake it till you make it
I did that so no one knows.

I’m ok, no really
That wasn’t a panic attack,
I don’t struggle with pain
Or trauma from way back

I’m ok, no really
I’ve got that locked up tight
And everyone around me
See’s me functioning alright

I’m mostly ok, no really
It’s just a few small cracks
It’s nothing, I can hide those
They won’t turn into gaps

I’m kinda ok, no really
It Hurts now late at night
My secret box is leaking
And I might just lose the fight

I’m not OK, not really
But that my secret too
I try to fix the cracks
But some stuff is leaking through

I’m sort of OK, no really
But I’ll keep on pushing through
I don’t have time to break right now
So these patches will have to do

I’m ok, no really
There’s nothing wrong, at all
See me smile brightly?
I’m truly walking tall

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