Good News and Hilarious News! in YES YES YES!
- April 9, 2024, 2:37 a.m.
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A few weeks ago when hubby lost his Nitrolingual heart spray bottle so I ordered him another one online and it’s in his desk at his office at work, then I was going to order him another for home. He found the original one last night when he came back from a council meeting .... in his coat!
Other good new is I again pissed off Lorraine yesterday! She’s a Jehovah Witness, in her 70s I think and a REAL MISERABLE COW! She’ll walk down the road, often with folded arms and such a long miserable face it’s unbelievable! Not just the occasional time but ALL of the time! She looks permanently angry and gives off that horrible impression!
Just as I was coming out of a local independent shop she came past with a face like a newly slapped arse again and I smiled sweetly and said ‘’Hello, Lorraine!’‘ The expression on her face was hilarious! Like she was saying ‘’How DARE a commoner like you grunt at me?!’‘ I always say hello to her to piss off the old miserable git!
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