one week in Baby Stuff

  • Oct. 30, 2013, 12:56 p.m.
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It's been ONE week since we decided to try for another baby and I'm already really stressed. I told myself that I wouldn't get this way. I said that we would just have sex whenever and not be militant about tracking ovulation and whatnot, but I can't seem to help it.

My period is due next week but I have no idea if I will even get one because I've only had one period so far since having Cannon. My period tracking app on my phone says that my period is due in a week, but my cycles have always been longer than "normal" so we will see.

I've been having PMS like crazy. I was super agitated/irritable last night. I've been having cramps and lower back pain too. I got all of these before when I had PMS. ugh. I'm just ready for it to be overwith so I can start a new cycle and track my ovulation.

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