
Earthquake and other Disasters in Trichotomy

  • April 6, 2024, 3:48 p.m.
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Before and after the earthquake hit, the wind was blowing very hard, and I was still in bed half waking up. So when the house shook I thought it was just a very strong gust of wind and thought it was weird how the wind shook the house like an earthquake. It wasn’t later when I read the news that I realized it actually was an earthquake. We had no damage to the house as far as we can tell, so that was nice.

We missed the last one on the east coast, in 2011, because we were in (of all places) San Francisco.

So I think the last time I felt an earthquake was when I was still an undergrad.

  • S

Everything costs

I finally finished booking the California trip. It’s going to be packed since we’ll only have 1 full day in Sacramento, 2 in San Francisco, and 2 in LA. Between those are 3 travel days. I am looking forward to riding the train down the coast, though.

It occurred to me how expensive it is… it’s not as expensive as our France trip from 9 years ago yet, but it is close - and we haven’t counted food. But this time we are just going to California.

Inflation is a pain.

  • D


Since we got our offer for the house on the north shore rejected, we haven’t seen many new houses on the market. But La Prof and I like the area quite a lot. We have lots of acquaintances there - mostly our co-workers and our friends’ co-workers - so that’s an indication that it’s a good area. We went there a few weeks ago for dinner with some of them and had a nice time.

With the National Association of Realtors court settlement going through, sellers are probably adjusting their strategy, so we’ll have to see what the market looks like when things settle down.

At least we’re not in a hurry.

  • N

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