what exactly does entitled mean? in Hi This is Kat!

  • March 20, 2024, 6:02 p.m.
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I know my last post was controversial but it is my views and my experience.

Someone left me a note and said I was entitled? How does one act entitled? How do you categorize being entitled? What does it really mean? Is it a state of mind? A tax bracket thing?

Personally I feel a person who thinks they are entitled is one that thinks people OWE them something for free. I am entitled to cut line, I am entitled to rent for free or as much as a working person…

If entitled means a person who is successful after working their whole life does not make a person entitled! It makes them capable! I am not entitled to a good easy life after retirement… NO ONE is giving me anything. I do not believe in people giving me special treatment. I am not getting free cheese, free rent, reduced rent, free food, reduced electrical bills, free cars or anything… isn’t that what entitled means… expecting special treatment…????

maybe you are confusing stable, secure, or capable for entitlement? I don’t think anyone needs to treat me different.

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