Silly O'Goofy in Thirty-Nine

  • March 19, 2024, 5:15 p.m.
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Sooooooo how is everyone lol. I was just coming to give an update, but I don’t really have one lol. I usually go back through my feed on FB and see what happened, and not much did.

We spent most of the time at home as usual. Had a couple Dr. appointments. Randy finally got his BiPap machine, so he’s been using that for the last week or so. Seems to be helping a lot. So thumbs up there. The results from his clinical sleep study showed that the machine brought him down from 108 non-breathing episodes, to about 6. So far he’s averaging about 8 a night right now while he adjusts.

I’ve had a ton more energy now that we’re getting spurts of warmer weather. I’m hoping this weekend will be super productive. It’s still chilly and windy out today so I’m a bit slower than I have been the last few days. But I have gotten so much done. It’s pretty amazing. On top of doing dishes and stuff all day (I’ll explain the kitchen in a minute), I’ve been able to still cook dinner most days as well.

That was nearly impossible before. Which brings me to why my kitchen is in need of multiple days worth of cleaning. I have not had any working energy for probably the last two years since we’ve been here. The past three years have just been one blow after another, but so far this year has been good.

By this time in previous years we were already sinking. We’re in a life raft right now and we can see shore. The problem is that it’s going to take about $5,000 to get us to shore. But....there are many ways that can be achieved. So I’ll be coming here soon to post up some artwork that I’ve done. It’ll be a mix of landscape, fantasy, a combination of the two, animals and portraits.

I have three pieces I’m really looking forward to completing, so if you’re on FB I’ll be opening up my Bephasia Studio page there again and posting upcoming projects and pieces for sale. I need supplies and I need a bunch of other stuff, but I have a few things I can work with now so I’m just going to start doing things and having them. I’ve never had a stock of artwork, because I was always looking for people to tell me what they wanted me to paint for them.

I’ve decided to start painting what I want to paint. We are working on getting the house in shape so we can just finally make it our own. but we have to do things that don’t cost anything because we just don’t have the funds. We’re getting there, slowly, but the least we can do is rearrange it to our preferred setup. Which we have done somewhat.

We are STILL waiting for the Shed Company to come pick up their shed. We’re halfway through March and we called them in January....and every week since then. I’m getting so irritated because we have a shed waiting for us. We have to take it apart and have it delivered, but it’s there. And when we get that, we can get all our shit back out of the house, and get rid of the fucking mice......we have caught so many....but there are so many more. I am....I don’t even know. But as soon as we get the shit out of the house we can take care of it. It’s just a hurry up and wait situation.. I don’t get it.

Walmart never has the live traps we need. Not going to use sticky traps, just, no. We have just been cleaning and cleaning as much as we can to kind of manage the best we can. I’m so frustrated but that’s why Randy is dealing with them…sigh.

Letsss see....this is long and I’m sorry because it always is haha. I didn’t realize I had so much to say. Oh well. Hrmmmmm.....I have an EMG tomorrow to figure out my carpal tunnel stuff, so one step at a time with getting all the parts working right again. Then I gotta get some PT for my hip and my lower back. POSSIBLY get back to Tucson to see my ortho surgeon about my calf and hamstring and my left foot is starting to hurt, but on the inner part. right side is outer ligament damage. It’s just one thing after another like a domino effect. But we’ll go in phases lol.

I think I’ve covered everything that needs covering thankfully. We don’t have much going on these next few weeks or even months. Dice turns 10 in May, but that’s still a bit of a ways off. I may or may not be back around by then lol. Hopefully I will be. But for now, you all take care, enjoy your Spring, and I’ll speak at you all again later!

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