In the Life Log - Day 1 in My Musings

  • March 18, 2024, 5:07 p.m.
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Day 1 is always the hardest, they say, and it couldn’t be further from the truth in my case.

I’ve been feeling so out of it after the past Sunday’s happenings (it’s already Tuesday, 12:55 a.m. as of this writing). I’m just an emotional wreck - leading to a bad sleeping pattern, loss of appetite, and just not having the energy to do things overall. I thought of heading to the gym (which I did), but it was kind of difficult especially when one breaks down every hour or so.

That aside, heading to the gym gave me a bit of distraction which I needed. While my session was not exactly one of the best, just being able to focus on lifting the weights provided a momentary solace.

Tomorrow (or later) brings me dread. I am still at a loss on how I should go on with my day-to-day. While most would advise to take it one day at a time, even letting an hour pass without struggling seems so difficult. I just hope that I can get a bit more sleep today.

Overall rating for the day: 2/10

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